Preservation of fruit and vegetables: tips and recommendations

Summer is the time for home canning. Right now Thrifty Housewives roll their jars with delicious salted and marinated vegetables and mushrooms, jams and compotes, reports

Home canning is a complex business, requiring attention and care. You need to do not just to preserve the natural taste, aroma, vitamins and nutritional value of vegetables and fruits, but also to make so that homework is not spoiled and do not become hazardous to health.

Very important step is sterilization of cans and lids. After all, if they are bacteria, the billets will deteriorate. By the way, because of the need for sterilization better to take the banks of 0.5-0.7 liters. Because they are easier to process uniformly throughout the volume. Banks and cap must first be well washed with warm solution of baking soda (in one litre of water, one teaspoon baking soda).

Cover enough boil for a few minutes in boiling water before rolling.

To sterilise jars there are several ways:

1. For a couple.

Place on top of the pan with water bars, or a special delimiter in the form of a cover with a hole diameter of the neck of the jar. Set the jar upside down when the water comes to a boil, and process steam for at least 15 minutes. Move the jar to dry and clean, with the two sides pressed iron fabric.

2. Boiling.

You will need or a big pan or pressure cooker. Banks are set up inside the bottom and boil. Pressure cooker easier and safer mode in this case, you need to choose a cook, the banks are processed in 15-20 minutes. Then they’re placed on a clean cloth.

3. Microwave.

Pour water on the tray, set the banks on a special grid upside down and turn the microwave on full power for 3-4 minutes. After you put them on the fabric.

4. Oven.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put it in the washed banks. Let them dry in the oven.

Choose fruit

To homework successful, you need to select the vegetables and fruits.

  • Choose a strong, Mature, but not perespevshy fruit.
  • Do not take the fruit from any defects.
  • Choose small fruits. Not only do they look better in the Bank, but better soaking in brine or marinade.
  • The fruit must be similar in shape, about the same size and same maturity. Then they are equally saturated brine.
  • It is better to take fruits with thin skin.
  • If you are going to glaze squash, zucchini or eggplant, it is better to take young vegetables. Because it is too large not as tender, and peel them too thick.
  • It is not necessary to roll up one jar of different vegetables. With the exception of vodka, salads, caviar (that is canned with chopped vegetables).
  • If you cut the vegetables, the pieces must be of the same shape and the same size.

Any fruits should be well washed and subjected to a short treatment with boiling water or steam. This is necessary not only for sterilization, but to break the pigments that cause the darkening of the fruit.

Prepare marinades

  • Take only bottled or filtered water, and odor.
  • Instead of vinegar you can use Apple juice, wine or infused with herbs. This will help to achieve a new taste of familiar dishes.
  • Salt must be free of additives, large or medium grind. In the canning process, you can add banks in the leaves of black currant, cherry, allspice, horseradish, garlic, fennel stalks. These spices not only enhance the taste of vegetables but also affect their quality. For example, the horseradish gives pickles their unique crunch. And some of the seasoning even and prevent the formation of mold or fungi.


Make sure that rolled banks with ready salted is better to turn. The lid stays hot longer to offer additional sterilization. In addition, the syrup or marinade is always a bit sticky, and if there are very small cracks, they just stuck. But if the Bank bad been closed, you will immediately see it as it will leak. It is also recommended to wrap the cans with a blanket for two days, and after cooling, store them in a cool, dry and dark place.

