Capitalism for their own. Coca-cola and President of the trump

In the environment of neoliberal economists, many believe that the main problem of the Spanish economy is the low competence of the people who run the country. Business do not survive. This position has been widely publicized in major private and state media.

According to neo-liberal experts, people in power don’t have the slightest idea about running a business. The solution to this problem they see the entry into power of big business, who can use their experience to good governance. One of the most popular experts in the sphere of economy of the Catalan TV3 channel, a supporter of neo-liberal ideas have repeatedly expressed the view that the main problem of the government of Spain (and Catalonia) is the lack of experience in managing private companies. Government agencies should lead the business with managerial experience, he said.

Trump as an example business management

In the administration of the trump representatives of the business community directly admitted to the public administration. Key government posts were occupied by prominent businessmen or executives close to major companies. Between them and the government is not a middleman. This is the highest form of manifestation “of capitalism for their”, when friends of the President lead the country and manage state agencies.

Here is one recent example. The us Federal Agency for health was headed by representatives of large commercial companies in the food sector or managers associated with these companies. Some of these companies, such as Coca-Cola produce products that are not very healthy. Consider this question in more detail.

In a wonderful article Sheila Kaplan (Kaplan Sheila), published on the front page of the New York Times on 23 July this year, details how Coca-cola, the manufacturer of sugar-containing drinks is a major cause of childhood obesity in the U.S. affects state policy in the field of nutrition. The epidemic of excess weight has struck all of society, but particularly affected young people and children. The causes of the epidemic were studied in detail and are well known. A study conducted by the Center for disease control, the largest Federal Agency in the field of health are positioned as the headquarters of Coca-cola, Georgia, confirms, for example, that sugary drinks are a major cause of the spread of obesity in the United States. These drinks can also cause diabetes type II diabetes, heart disease, kidney and liver, as well as tooth decay, tooth decay and arthritis. But this is not the only threat. There are other harmful products (a typical example — a hamburger from McDonald’s), which due to the high fat content can cause obesity. The main purpose of the work of Federal agencies in the health sector were improvement of the diet of Americans. But this is in the past.

Now the food company responsible for this epidemic, promote the idea of physical activity as the main method of prevention of obesity, shifting the focus from the importance of diet. Coca-cola has funded in Georgia program of the Department of health for the prevention of excess weight among young people. The key point of this program became an additional half-hour of physical exercise in the curriculum of the public schools of the state. Undoubtedly, this program is useful and recommended for future use. But, unfortunately, this is not enough. Dr. Marion Nestle (Marion Nestle), Professor of nutrition at new York University, in his brilliant book about the dangers of carbonated drinks “Soda and politics: how to understand the subject (and win)” (“Soda Politics: Taking On Big Soda (and Winning)”) writes that “the common man will have to run 3 miles (about 5 kilometers) to burn off the calories contained in a half-liter bottle of soda… I over exercise. But the reality is that this is not enough for significant weight loss. Therefore, I believe that the campaign on weight loss solely through exercise (this idea promotes producers of carbonated drinks and fast food) are not sufficiently effective without changes in the power system. Diet is a very important factor in the epidemic of obesity.”

Coca-cola has a big impact on Federal government and Center for disease control

The head of the Center for disease control President trump has appointed Dr. Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald), who led the Department of health of Georgia in the period when Coca-cola funded program to increase the time of physical exercises in the public schools of the state. Coca-cola plays a big role in the state of Georgia, and also has a significant influence on local politicians, most of whom are in the Republican party (including newt Gingrich’s well-known adviser to trump). The company’s influence also extends to the Federal level. The appointment of Fitzgerald is proof of that. Dr. Fitzgerald recently said about the need to increase consumption of fruit and vegetables by children. But, as noted by Sheila Kaplan in his article (where I took all these data), it is highly likely that in the fight against obesity in the US, the emphasis will now be on exercise and not on diet. And actually, the article Dr. Fitzgerald on nutrition posted on the website of Coca-cola in the section on programs to combat obesity, entitled “the Problem of childhood obesity will help to resolve physical activity.”

Federal funds for the study of obesity will be distributed to organizations that conduct their research in areas not affecting the interests of large producers, including producers of carbonated beverages. The cause of such a situation is “capitalism for their”, which exists now in the United States and will undoubtedly affect Spain.

