TOP 5 phrases that implicitly affect men

There is a perception that only women love with their ears. But believe me, in today’s world – it is nothing more than a stereotype. We present to your attention five of the most effective phrases that can easily help you to make contact with the man, according to “Want”.

For each man it is important the belief that the last word for him. If the advice you gave man, was useful, don’t miss the opportunity to tell him all about it. Believe me, it would be very nice.

1. “You’re a man, you’re in charge, you’re right”

For each man it is important the belief that the last word for him, and he’s right. And if you noticed that the advice you gave man handy, do not miss the opportunity to tell him about it. Believe me, it would be very nice.

By the way, a little secret: if you do not agree with the man, and want to argue with him, it is better to start with the phrase: “You’re right, the only thing that…”. After this introduction, he will be able to perceive your position and constructive criticism.

2. “Thank you for what you do”

Words of gratitude are important to any man. Knowing that you have a pleasant his guidance and help, he will strive even more to please you. But it happens sometimes that you can hear from women: “And what is to thank him, he’s not doing anything?”. This is not so. The fact that often it is easier to notice the negative than the positive. But when you learn to encourage even the slightest attempts of men to help, you will notice how it will change for the better.

3. “I love you, and happy that I have you”

Not only women but men also important and nice to hear such words. Some of the only emotions with which they are pronounced, men already melting. So if you want to do something nice for your man, you can just gently whisper these words in his ear.

4. “I know you can”

Man necessary words which give him confidence. Your man, like you, there are moments when he doubts his accuracy of decisions, or allegiance to one or the other choice. To ease the task to the man, you would say that not only please him but also show that you are willing to support it.

5. “Tell me, please”

This phrase is also a nice man. She suggests that you listen to him. When you really want to talk to him, it is better to use it instead of the popular words: “We need to talk.” As for men, these three words from the mouth of a woman sound particularly threatening. For him it can only mean two things: either he did something wrong. Or, what is worse, a woman really just wants to talk. He subconsciously understands that to be unpleasant for him to talk. In the first case, if he did something wrong, he already knows what awaits him long preachy monologue about what he has failed to cope. In the second case, when a woman just wants to talk, the reaction of males may be different. The fact that men are less emotional than women. And when a problem arises, a woman first takes her on an emotional level, and then feels the need to speak out and to share it. Men just want to hear the problem and then solve it. They understand that listening and maintain a long talk about feelings women need. But I think that talk, women can and with friends. And to maintain the Golden mean and not to be insensitive, they can agree to peace talks, but very rarely.


