In Canada, freed from the network whale killed their Savior

Canadian fisherman Joe Howlett, known for his selfless work to save caught in the nets and the ropes of whales killed from hitting another rescued sea giant. About it reports “life” with reference to the edition of the Medicine Hat News.

The tragedy occurred near the town of Shippagan in the canadian province of new Brunswick, where 59-year-old Howlett, along with his team arrived to save the North Atlantic whale.

As eyewitnesses told, it all happened in the moment when Joe cut the last rope holding marine mammal. The whale struck, and injury by fisherman, proved fatal.

“Joe definitely didn’t want to stop for a moment because of this. To save the whales is what he loved. And I know how he felt good after cut the shackles holding of the fish”, — leads edition of the words of a close friend and team member of the deceased fisherman Mackie green.

Over the past 15 years Joe Howlett saved about two dozen sea giants, doomed to destruction, if not for the help from concerned people.

