Putin told how he decided to become a scout

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that when he decided to become a scout, came to the reception office of the KGB to find out how to get there, and shared why he decided to be a pilot.

“I just went to the reception room of the KGB. From the street, I have the same working family, ties were not. Where do I go? I went to the reception directly,” he said at a meeting with the class teacher of senior classes.

According to Putin, there have advised him to first finish College and get a law degree.

“From that moment I stopped studying physics, chemistry, mathematics. Just stopped,” — said Putin.

The Russian head of state added that eventually went to law school. “But before that I wanted to be a pilot. I went to flight school, walked through the corridors, looked. Then I imagined how will be my life,” he said, noting that in the end he realized that he would be interested.

According to the biography on his personal website of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in 1975 graduated from the law faculty of Leningrad state University, then in the late 70’s-early 80-x — Moscow KGB school No. 1. From 1985 to 1990, Putin worked in East Germany.

