TOP 10 foods that you can eat all you want and not to get better

The question of what to eat not to gain weight, hurts many. In order not to starve, but not to get better, it is important to know what foods you can eat.

Site Home has compiled the TOP 10 foods that you can eat what you want and not get better.

1. Celery

It is almost 95% water, but this does not mean that it will not bring any benefit to health. Celery contains calcium, folic acid, fiber, vitamin K.

However, it is best to eat celery when it’s fresh. Vegetable loses a lot of antioxidants within 5-7 days after purchase.

Calories: 16 kcal per 100 g

2. Calais

This is one of the few plant foods that contains fatty acids omega-3 nutrient that we often get from fish. In addition, Kale’s high content of vitamins and fiber.

Calories: 49 kcal per 100 g

3. Blueberries

It is famous for its antioxidant component. The berry contains more antioxidants than any other, and furthermore a Cup of blueberries contains approximately 85 calories.

Calories: 44 kcal per 100 g

4. Cucumber

These vegetables are almost entirely water, and the basic nutritional value of grain and possess the skin, so clean the cucumbers are not worth it. Among the advantages of the fiber and are good for the eyes beta-carotene.

Calories: 16 kcal per 100 g

5. Tomato

The most known fact about tomatoes: they contain lycopene – an antioxidant that helps fight chronic diseases, folic acid, chromium, potassium and fiber. And despite all of the nutrients of which it can boast, one medium size tomato contains about 25 calories.

Calories: 18 kcal for 100 g

6. Grapefruit

Studies have shown that grapefruit stimulates the metabolism, and thus can speed up weight loss. This is because grapefruits contain high amounts of fiber, which restrains the feeling of hunger, stabilizing blood sugar, and helps you feel full. Vitamin C contained in grapefruit can lower the risk of several health problems (including cancer and heart disease). Grapefruit also works wonders, lowering cholesterol, and improves digestion, and folic acid, which is found in fruit, makes it an ideal snack for pregnant women.

Caloric value: 42 kcal per 100 g

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is best raw or steamed. This super vegetable contains anticancerogenic – substances that Deplete the chemicals that cause cancer. In addition to vitamins A, C, E, and To 100 g of steamed broccoli contains approximately 20% of the daily value of fiber.

Calories: 34ккал 100 g

8. Cauliflower

Contains antioxidants, folate, fiber, vitamins C and K.

Calories: 25 kcal per 100 g

9. BlackBerry

Like many other berries and fruits rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Eating blackberries helps to establish the digestive process, to preserve youthfulness of skin.

Calories: 44 kcal per 100 g

10. Lettuce

Most types of lettuce, be it iceberg or Romaine, contain only 10 to 20 calories per serving. Although the salad will add protein to your diet, it will provide the body with vitamins and nutrients (including folic acid, iron, vitamins A and C).

Calorie: 15 kcal per 100 g

Earlier Today figured out how to get a flat stomach without dieting and the gym: the 10 secrets.

