Millions of Muslims supported anti-Islamist video

Among young people in the middle East has spread a terrible expression, reflecting the sad reality is “the Time of Ramadan — a time of terrorist attacks”.

During Ramadan, the Muslim Holy month, from sunrise to sunset is not permitted to eat or drink anything. It’s time to dive in myself. Every night they, along with family and friends going to razgulina — they often share their food with the poor in local mosques.

This convergence does not fit into the ideology of the terrorists during Ramadan in many Arab countries there are an increasing number of terrorist attacks.

First of all, from the moment Islamic state (a terrorist organization banned in Russia — approx. ed.) in 2013 seized territory in Syria and Iraq, the number of attacks has increased. In the course of bloody attacks almost every day killed dozens of people. Victims of attacks of terrorists are mostly Muslims.

Perhaps this was the reason why Ramadan this year has become a political context.

In the middle East, widespread video is directed against extremists and terrorists. In his song the actors starring in the video are against the Islamist who wants to blow himself up. In addition, the frames appear and the people, themselves survivors of terrorist attacks, for example, Jordanian bride who survived the attack at his own wedding.

The hatred of the terrorists, the video contrasted with a simple message: “Let us blow up crazy shows true. Let us blow up the hatred with love.”

The video was published before the start of the Holy month, on Friday, and managed to collect over 2.7 million views. Usually such groups as ISIS have successfully recruited in the network of young people through staged video, displaying the “beautiful” life in the war.

Anti-terrorist counter this propaganda video frames strong message of unity and love.

Clip created with the support of mobile operator from Kuwait, sings the song pop star from the United Arab Emirates Hussein al-Jasmi (Hussein al Jasmi). He reminds the criminals, including that suicide and murder are forbidden by God. “You go in the name of death, but He (meaning God) is the Creator of life.”

In comments to the video on social media has written a lot of words of support. But it sounds and criticism — especially from Syria. In the video, among other things, one of the actors portrays a young Omran Dacnusa. Photo by Omran in the last year became a symbol of the Syrian war.

Critics point out that in the video he is presented as the victim of the Islamists, although he was wounded in the attack soldiers of the Syrian regime. The causes of extremism are often associated with the Arab regimes, says Syrian activist Tamara al-Rifai (Tamara al-Rifai). “Everyone screams “extremism” of ISIS, but no one dares talking about the real political reasons behind it,” said al-Rifai, in an interview with the Guardian newspaper.

The video should pay attention not only Muslim society but also governments that support extremism.

