“The Alliance of Sunni States” against Iran as Syria made an Alliance with the United States and Saudi Arabia?

The middle East stands on the verge of dramatic changes after the Arab-Islamic-American summit, held in Riyadh. This meeting changed the focus of the vision of the Arab regional problems, making Iran a common enemy of Saudi Arabia and the United States and the source of terrorism, to counter which the world needs to unite. During the summit the US President Donald trump met with leaders of a number of Muslim States.

The participants of the Arab-Islamic-American summit welcomed the proposal of establishing a standby military contingent whose number is 34 thousands of troops to support anti-terrorist operations in Iraq and Syria, in which Iran has more influence. This is stated in the final document adopted on the outcomes of the international meeting in Riyadh.

Iranian terrorism and supplying arms to the Arab States makes the Syrian issue part of the “deal of the century”, which trump is preparing to sign with the Arab States.

What is the place of Syria in this agreement? What impact will the us-Islamic Alliance into the Syrian crisis? What is the future for Syria in light of these new alliances? These and other questions we will try to address in this article.

Religious war

Syrian analyst bir Rustam believes that the main purpose of the historic visit of the President of the United States is the creation of sustainable crises that can be described as “creative chaos.” This will allow to map the “new Middle East” in accordance with the political interests of the United States.

He explained that to redraw the maps, roles and influence you need to create crises, wars and chaos, while maintaining the flow of oil coming from the East to the West.

With regard to the consequences of this visit to Syria, Rustam said that the Americans are in no hurry to tie the economy of Saudi Arabia to the US economy. After that, they intend to convince the Saudis that the presence of American troops on the border of Iraq and Jordan in the area of the “Shiite Crescent” will guarantee protection against any threat from Iran and ensure security of supply of Saudi oil to the Mediterranean sea. Thus, USA has received the approval of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries to establish their own spheres of influence in the North and East of Syria. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries are funding the U.S. military and military operations. In addition, they make billions of dollars in military deals. The amount of the latter, for example, exceeds a hundred billion dollars.

Rustam noted that the purpose of the visit was getting money from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, which could be achieved by making Iran “Boogeyman” in the eyes of these countries. And also to show the ability of the West to rein in Iran. USA seeks to change the direction of the conflict in the region since the Arab-Israeli Sunni-Shiite, so as to renew the conflicts, crises and wars in the region, but in a different ideological key. Religious confrontation replaces confrontation between the two Nations. The conflict between Palestinians and Israelis is no longer Central in the region, therefore there is a need to find something else. This was a centuries-old religious divide between Shiites and Sunnis, as the Americans wanted, but this is by ensuring security, peace and freedom of the peoples of the Middle East with all its national and religious characteristics.

The Head Of Bashar Al-Assad

Syrian researcher Sulaiman Youssef did not rule out that the head of Bashar al-Assad is the price of economic “deal of the century” between trump and Saudi Arabia because the leaders of the Gulf countries have attributed the phenomenon of terrorism in Syria and in the region with the current Syrian regime, supported by Iran.


© REUTERS, Jonathan ErnstДональд trump at the welcoming ceremony during a visit to Saudi Arabia

In his statement to the newspaper Al Ahram Al Arabi, he explained that the fate of the Syrian regime and the future of Bashar al-Assad will be determined after the destruction of LIH (banned in Russia — approx. lane) in Syria and Iraq. A political settlement in Syria is impossible until then, until you destroy the ISIS. He noted that after getting rid of ISIS will start the countdown in the life of the Syrian regime, in the sense that the US and its allies will not agree to leave Assad in power in any political solution to the Syrian crisis.

Trump hoped to strengthen the US military presence in Syria in the coming weeks, to accelerate the destruction of ISIL, as well as to strengthen its role in any political solution to the Syrian crisis, stressing that the US will not withdraw its troops from Syria, while Bashar al-Assad is in power. And trump will fulfill his promise given to the king of Saudi Arabia.

A Golden opportunity

Lebanese researcher Fadi Akoum believes that the political scene in Syria after the summit in Riyadh will not be the same as before. Will occur many major changes, and among the first will work on reducing the number of zones of conflict and the Iranian presence. The leader of “Hezbollah” Hassan Nasrallah made clear that his party will come out of Syria after successful completion of his tasks. This statement indicates an attempt of the party to disassociate itself from Iran in order to avoid the consequences.

In the final communiqué issued after the Arab-Islamic-American summit in Riyadh, reported on the adoption of a clear position against Iran, designed to stop the spread of terrorism in the world under the threat of future sanctions on Tehran. But the most important point in the statement is the creation of a military force to intervene in Syria and Iraq.

According to the researcher, there is a Golden opportunity to get rid of two problems: terrorism and Iran. He noted that what is happening on the political scene correspond to the plans of military action. Especially, regarding the creation of security zones where it should be placed a neutral military force to separate Syrian government forces and other opposition forces, which will remain in Syria after fighting with ISIS.


The Leader Of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah

Speaking about the possibility of imposing new sanctions against Iran, Akum says that the evidence for their introduction will be based on the storming of the diplomatic buildings in Saudi Arabia, Iran test ballistic missiles and sending fighters and weapons in Syria and Iraq, which is prohibited by international agreements. There is irrefutable evidence regarding the thousands of militants, which Iran sent from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct military action in Syria.

Moscow makes it difficult to deal

Jordanian analyst Michelle Hannah believes that Syria will not fall victim to the economic agreement between trump and Saudi Arabia because of the role of Russia, which will oppose any US intervention.

He said that Washington played an important role in the fight against the Houthis in Yemen. The United States has provided Saudi Arabia with intelligence information and instructions to help the Kingdom to achieve a military victory, which is extremely needed Deputy crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the Minister of defence, standing behind the huge arms deals with the US (meaning Muhammad Ibn Salman approx. ed.). He needs a victory to strengthen its image as the Napoleon of our time.

Tacit division

Egyptian researcher of international relations of ANAS al-Kassas believes that Syria remains an open stage for a long conflict, which will not be finished so easily, saying that in the interest of all to keep Syria unified.

Al-Kassas in his statement to Al Ahram explained that there will be a Sunni Alliance to counter Iran in the region, where the main priority of the country will be Iraq, and then Syria. Moreover, Iraq is a strategically important country in the region for Iran. The weakening of Iran in Iraq would weaken his position in Syria and also weaken Hezbollah, which is friendly with ISIS. He said that Turkey plays an active role in Iraq, which is her main priority because of the Kurdish problem.

As for Russia, the United States show her his power through Israel, giving him the fighter of the latest generation F-35 that the Russian S-400 may not recognize. These aircraft are able to bypass modern Russian air defense system, trying to limit the Russian presence in Syria. In addition, NATO Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean will use all our capabilities in order to counter the Russian air force.

An uneasy Alliance

Iraqi researcher Muhammad Khagani, believes that the Syrian issue might change in the future in light of the new us approach, which involves the struggle of the Islamic Union terrorism in the region involving the United States as an ally of Saudi Arabia.

Khagani in his statement to the newspaper Al Ahram reported that the Iranian war against terrorism will include, in the first place, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, because Iran has significant influence in these countries. However, the allies will be difficult to reach agreement in light of the difficult relations among the conflict parties. Turkey, for example, plays an active role in Syria, but does not get along with Egypt. She has friendly relations with Saudi Arabia, but her interests differ from the interests of the Kingdom. All this currently leads to an atmosphere of political tension. Meanwhile, Iran is the only one who suffered because of these rapidly developing events after the re-election of Rouhani. The US challenged Iran, accusing it of supporting terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.

Also Khagani said that all this may change after the first “test”. Syria could become the first country in which there will be a political settlement through the joint efforts of Russia, Turkey and Iran.

