Himself an herbalist: what kind of grass and how it is necessary to collect in the spring

Any plants, of course, you can buy in the pharmacy. But there is something in the gathering of the herbs yourself is the feeling similar to that experienced in the preparation of home-baking, whether emotions from intimacy and unity with nature. In any case, we believe that this hand is not only especially tasty but also healthy. Besides, the flavors of herbs collected personally will fill the dwelling during their period of drying, odor, next to which is not even chemical flavoring from the store. So it will be a kind of aromatherapy and in non-stop mode.

If you collect herbs in the bushes and on the lawns in the forest, one can hardly doubt in the absence of herbicides and heavy metals, such as guaranteed pharmacists. And to be 100% sure that the grass really will benefit — because efficiency of plants depends on the month in which they need to collect.

Independent naturopath Elena Svitko told what herbs can do in the second half of may and in early June, and as they dry to keep possible to preserve the medicinal properties.


1. Pick plants in the morning, immediately after drying of dew. Do not make blanks after the rain — only in dry weather. Inflorescences will lose in wet weather the lion’s share of useful pollen and the leaves and rhizomes worse would succumb to drying until the formation of mold.

2. Do not take broken or defective herbs — they are less useful with high probability the affected by bacteria, and can rot.

3. Different types of grasses and their form (for example, rhizomes and leaves) put during the collection in different packages and dry separately. The best containers to gather the trash: crumpled plants lose part of the properties. In addition, during the gathering in the bag, they can simply rot, and that means to deteriorate.

4. Arriving home, immediately place the workpiece onto the paper in a thin layer — this will ensure a quicker drying and, as a consequence — will improve the quality of the workpieces. Don’t collect too many plants, if not “debit” from a delay in drying can cause the loss of medicinal properties of plants, they may appear decay and pests. Because drying is a form of conservation that can “immortalize” plants, retaining their usefulness. Another reason why we should not strive for “megaureter” — in a year in plants do nothing useful, and you will have to throw in the trash grass and your work. Therefore, evaluate your real needs in plants.

5. The dried preform store in paper bags or sealed glass jars.

