Rasputin and Catherine the White house

President Donald trump, while under increasingly heavy fire from critics, even from his own party, went on their first foreign tour.

In fact, trump is not actively criticize in his country.

While the criticism is coming mostly from the intelligentsia, the media, which from the beginning opposed the Trump, publish this criticism, it reproducing exponentially and creates the idea that in society there is antitrombina atmosphere.

While the President’s actions, which may even contradict the traditions of the Constitution, the laws of the United States, in fact do not care about the voters.

However, the created atmosphere, which may ultimately lead to the removal of the tramp from the presidency and to make real estate Mogul first detached from the post of President.

But trump continues to go its own way and in the middle of a debate about whether it will be dismissed or continue to occupy the presidential chair, and made even his first foreign visit to Saudi Arabia.

During this visit, the President accompanied by his daughter Ivanka trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, even got his “Rabbi” permission for this visit.

The visit falls on a Saturday, and on this day the Orthodox Jews ordered to refrain from working.

In the United States and Jewish circles, this fact caused controversy. Such authorization may be given only if we are talking about life and death. Did the President’s visit to Saudi Arabia — a matter of life and death?

While President trump fallen out of favour, and all that he does or does not do becomes the subject of ridicule and exaggerated touted by the media as ignorance, his daughter Ivanka and son Jared becoming increasingly popular.

Ivanka Slavic blood — Ekaterina America

Ivanka, a brilliant woman 36 years old, graduate of Wharton School, was a key figure in the election campaign of his father.

She played an active role in restoring the reputation of the trump on the issue of women’s rights. Likewise, she covered the flaws of his father in the issue of human rights and actively reflect on it sypathies accusations of racism.

Ivanka was the main supporter and mentor to trump issues of foreign policy. And one of the architects of the campaign.

Liking Merkel

Most world caught my eye in a sincere dialogue Ivanka trump with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which the American President did not even shake hands. Merkel admitted that he was impressed with the President’s daughter, and formally invited her to Germany.

During the visit to Germany, Ivanka star shone even brighter.


© REUTERS Michael Sohn / Pool TPX25 April 2017. Ivanka trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Ivanka, who made a brilliant career and politics, now stands as the “first lady” due to the fact that Melania trump (Melania Trump) chose to stay in new York and formally assumed all relevant responsibilities.

Get good son-in-law and don’t think about the rest

And the new American political figure who attracted no less attention than Ivanka, Jared Kushner.

Family Kushnerov is one of the respected families of Orthodox Jews in new York.

Father Charles Kushner (David Kushner) — a Jew of Polish origin, his family migrated to the United States after the Second world war.

Charles dollar billionaire, who has achieved great success at the head of the development company he created in 1985.

But at the end of 2000-ies of Charles Kushner as his friend, is also having problems with the IRS. In 2008, Kushner was in prison on charges of tax evasion, and his father is headed by Jared Kushner.

Jared and Ivanka, born in 1981.

2.5 million to Harvard

Jared was not academic success. He studied at Harvard University, but was passed back through donations of his father in the amount of $ 2.5 million.

Admission to new York University, where Jared received an MBA and studied law, also cost his father $ 3.5 million in donations.

However, despite the lack of outstanding success in studies, Jared is already in his University years proved himself as a successful entrepreneur.

As a student, he earned millions on real estate transactions in Massachusetts, where the Harvard.

Jared and Ivanka got married in 2009.

But it wasn’t easy. Family first Kushnerov did not give permission to this marriage, because the Trumps — not Jews.

After that the couple broke up. But Ivanka, who set out to marry Jared, converted to Judaism, passed a difficult exam after strict training, and obtained permission to marry.

In fact, a fan of Kennedy

Actually Jared is a Democrat, and the whole family Kushnerov. His idol is a democratic President Roosevelt. In his office there is a picture of another democratic President Kennedy.

Despite this, Jared Kushner informal ran the election campaign with a Republican President.

Part of Jared in the campaign, and his wife Ivanka, provided deliverance trump from accusations of anti-Semitism and racism.

After the unexpected victory of influence trump Ivanka and Jared in US politics has increased.


© AFP 2017, Nicholas Camstasia White house adviser Jared Kushner in the White house

While Ivanka officially began working in the White house, Jared was appointed to the Department responsible for streamlining the work of the government, and deftly evaded American law on “anti-nepotism” against preferential treatment of relatives.

Kouchner’s words on this subject at the same time controversial, and familiar. Kouchner says: “the US Government need to control how large multinational American company.”

Some liken Jared Kushner famous Russian figure Rasputin. It does not disturb the comparison: on the contrary, they say, he even likes it. And I don’t see nothing wrong to draw an analogy between Ivanka, has Slavic origin, and Queen Catherine.

Thus, while the President trump every day exposed to more and more ruthless attacks from the media, Ivanka and Jared are gaining more and more popularity, their number of fans is growing.

So much so that after 100 days trump in the White house were talking about the fact that the first female President of the United States may be Ivanka and the first President of the Jew Jared Kushner…

