Main applications Poroshenko: about bitwise, talks with Putin and Eurovision

May 14, held a press conference of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Given that the last time our head of state spoke with the press nearly a year ago, questions to him were many.

ABOUT BIZWISE. The conference in the courtyard of the presidential Administration in the big tent began with an introductory speech, in which Poroshenko congratulated all women on mother’s Day, and all Ukrainians — Day Europe. According to him, today already at 3.3 million Ukrainians have biometric passports. The President said: the people of Ukraine can travel without visas in 52 countries of the world, June will be added to the 34 countries of the EU, and soon about 30 countries in the “white list” of the Schengen area.

ABOUT GONTAREVA. Not without questions about the head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva. “She does not quit, but only wrote a statement. I have a few candidates, but without discussion with the Parliament, I believe it would be incorrect to announce their names,” — said Petro Poroshenko.

ABOUT EUROVISION. The President praised the preparations for the song contest and the final separately. “Love Jamala’s performance. Very very, if not… there is Always someone who wants something to show… 200 million watch the Eurovision song contest… And then climbs one, sorry for the word “dupa”. And thinks that is what should see the world from Ukraine… I Hope it us the Eurovision song contest did not spoil,” smiled the President.

ABOUT POLITICAL PRISONERS. Answering the question about political prisoners, Petro Poroshenko noted that he recently spoke about the Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko, illegally held in a Russian prison, with the President of the Russian Federation, and agreed to allow visitation by his family. In addition, according to him, now in the occupied territories contains more than 100 Ukrainians. “The constant modification of the Russian position indicates a radical unwillingness to release Ukrainian hostages, despite the very clear obligations that Russia has assumed in Minsk agreements. This is an additional argument for our partners from the US and the EU are relatively rigid continuation of sanctions against Russia in connection with the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements” — said Poroshenko.

ABOUT LUTSENKO. He praised the President first year of operation of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. “Measured by the number of criminal cases brought to trial — there are good statistics on this issue. This case of independence, the case against the corrupt, and the case of Yanukovych. And this is a huge achievement for the GPU,” — said Poroshenko. According to him, many thought was absolutely impossible the confiscation of 40 billion UAH on the accounts of Yanukovych in state banks, but the final decision was eventually adopted. “The total amount that has been mobilized by the Prosecutor General under the leadership of Lutsenko, is 50 billion UAH”, — said the guarantor.

ABOUT “NORMANDY”. Poroshenko said that next week will be to talk with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the preparation of the meeting, “Norman Quartet”: “we Have new circumstances — in the Russian Federation issued the order on recognition of fake documents, “DNR” and “LNR”. And not only passports — license plate numbers, birth certificates. It is evidence of Russian sovereignty in the occupied territories”. He also noted that the United States actively monitor the format, coordinate the process and now there are planning to choose a representative who will be responsible for coordination with Ukraine.

ABOUT SHEREMET. Talking about the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet, the President said that he expected more results from involvement in the investigation of foreign experts. In addition, according to him, the ex-the employee of SBU Igor Ustimenko, who might know something about the murder has already been called in for questioning.

OF THE SECOND TERM. Answering the question, will the President for a second term, he noted that there are still two years of office, have a lot to do, including to submit its report to Parliament in September. “It is too early to speak on the part of potential presidential candidates,” — summed Poroshenko.

