Violent protests in Venezuela: all the details

Thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets of Caracas, Venezuela, in protest against the inclusion in the Venezuelan Constitution changes proposed by President Nicolas Maduro. The protest turned into a violent confrontation between activists and the security forces.

Protesters take to the streets of Caracas as Venezuela suffers from severe food and medical shortages

— CNN International (@Mashable) 4 may 2017 R.

So, the videos that users post on social networks, is seen as security forces crushed the cars of the protesters, breaking their ranks. Activists, in turn, could set fire to the transport guards.

Maduro baila mientras los camiones de la GNB pasan por encima del pueblo (literal). #Altamira #SOSVenezuela

La Niña Maya (@maya_jaramillo) 3 may 2017 R.

Tanqueta de GNB atropelló a un manifestante #YoReportoEl3M @Contrapuntovzla

— Héctor Antolínez (@HectorAntolinez) 3 may 2017 R.

Activists gave fierce resistance, using petrol bombs and improvised means in order to bring the technique of law enforcement failure.

SE SALVO DE MILAGRO (Video+Fuerte) Terroristas pacíficos emboscan vehículo de la GNB y casi matan al conductor, quien logró salvarse

— Boris Castellano (@BorisCastellano) 3 may 2017 R.

The guard, in turn, uses firearms, water cannons, stun and gas grenades against the protesters.

3:43 la Torre Británica en #YoReportoEl3M @Contrapuntovzla

— Héctor Antolínez (@HectorAntolinez) 3 may 2017 R.

Arsenal El utilizado por el régimen de Maduro suicida. Saldo 1 muerto y heridos mas de 300 @GenPenaloza @VPrimero

— VientosdeCambio!!! (@margene2013) 4 may 2017 R.

According to recent reports, the health centers were delivered 161 patient who suffered from the actions of the guards at the protest. More than 130 people were injured, 17 – gassing, eight – shot wounds and two burns.

Que el mundo se entere: SOLO of tourists coming to las bombas de los esbirros de Maduro, LAS PADECEN los manifestantes Y DEVUELVEN LAS

ana julia jatar (@anajuljatar) 3 may 2017 R.

No hay palabras para agresiones contra civiles en #Venezuela. / Words can’t describe violence against civilians we are seeing in #Venezuela

— Mariana_Atencio (@marianaatencio) 4 may 2017 R.

The confrontation between security forces and protesters in Kakraki, Venezuela. Photo: Twitter

In addition, know about the death of at least one activist last night – 17-year-old boy was killed during the dispersal of opposition actions. Earlier it was reported that in clashes with security forces killed 12 people.

De #venezuela al #Mundo estás fotografías que den la vuelta a la comunidad internacional dejen hacer algo YA!!

— Andrés Cano (@ANDRES_CANO42) 4 may 2017 R.

Protesters sympathetic to the activists spreading the cartoons portraying Maduro, who somehow pushes the wheels of cars, the opposition and the country’s Constitution.


— Pastor Rodríguez (@RECULARJAMAS) 4 may 2017 R.


— rayma (@raymacaricatura) 4 may 2017 R.

Note that social networks Venezuelans actively recommend to see the documentary “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom”, which is dedicated to the revolution of Dignity, which took place in Ukraine in winter 2013-2014.

In Venezuela watching Winter On Fire

— VP (@sranysovok) 3 may 2017 R.

Earlier, the Venezuelan opposition have appealed for an active protest followed the recent statements and actions of the President.

Speaking at the may day rally, Maduro told supporters that he intends to change the existing Constitution. In addition, the President of Venezuela live on state television signed a decree on convocation of the constituent Assembly.

Venezuela: Maduro’appelle à former une assemblée constituante #AFP

— Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) 4 may 2017 R.

In turn, the opposition called the actions of the Maduro “coup d’etat”.

The constituent Assembly in Venezuela, according to the Constitution, represents the main tool of power of the state – the masses – has the authority to change the existing political system of the country.

