Payments may 9: who and how much is necessary

After a few days, combatants, the disabled and the victims of Nazi repression during the Second world war will receive cash assistance. The money will be paid from the state budget. Some veterans will pay one-time assistance from the local budgets according to the decision of regional and city councils. The website “Today” found out who and how much money is necessary to the victory Day.

Who and how many will get to the victory Day

Until the fifth of may the veterans of the war, the Ukrainians with special merits before the homeland and the victims of Nazi persecution will receive a one-time payment from the Treasury. Cash assistance is provided by the laws “On status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection” and “About victims of Nazi prosecutions”, and its amount is decided each year by government decree.

In 2017, payments will grow by an average of 26%. As told at the Cabinet meeting the Minister sotspolitiki Andrey Reva, the largest sum paid to war invalids of the first group (more than three thousand hryvnia), and less likely to go to war. According to the Ministry of social policy in Ukraine, about 600 thousand participants of the Second world war and 217, 8 thousands of members of the war victims. In the past year to help veterans from the state budget has spent more than 880 million hryvnia, this year will need more than a billion hryvnia.

“We had participants of war will receive for 170 UAH. We believe that we can increase this figure, we found the appropriate reserves. I would ask that the government upheld today a proposal to every veteran, veteran of the war got 400 UAH, and the families will get 500 UAH”, – said Groisman at the meeting of the government.

By the way, according to the Pension Fund, 929 thousand Ukrainians get higher pensions according to the law “On status of war veterans”, 539 thousand Ukrainians in retirement have special merits before the Homeland, 2.9 million pensioners – children of war, more than 10 thousand Ukrainians in retirement – victims of Nazi persecution.

Local authorities also intend to provide assistance to the Victory Day. So, in Kharkiv region 959 participants of the Second world war will receive on 1,5 thousand hryvnia, in the Nikolaev area the local budgets by may 9 will provide veterans with three thousand hryvnia, and Zaporozhye more than 1,300 veterans will receive from the local budget for thousand.

Veterans get help with Bank cards, together with pensions, or in post offices.

How much to pay the veterans in different countries

Of all post-Soviet countries the most money this year will be provided to veterans in Kazakhstan. In addition to traditional 150 thousand tenge ($476), veterans will additionally pay about $ 1000. Veterans in Russia can count on $ 170, in Azerbaijan – $ 600, and in Uzbekistan – about $ 540.

Veterans in may increased pensions

From the first of may in Ukraine increased surcharges to pensions for veterans and war invalids, etc. So, if in the early years of the war invalids of the first group was attached to the 623 hryvnia, from the first of may the payout increased to 656 hryvnias. Ukrainians with special merits before the Motherland will receive an increase of 918 hryvnia (UAH 827). Combatants increase to pensions increased from 311 to 329 USD.

By the way, in October of this year, eight million Ukrainians, including veterans, will recalculate pensions. Payments to Ukrainians in retirement will asurement with the new average salary. Roughly five million pensioners will receive an increase of from 50 to 1000 hryvnia. Another possible innovation – pensioners will be banned from working. According to the Minister sotspolitiki Andrey Reva, will affect not all Ukrainian pensioners, but only “the rich.” So, thousands of Ukrainians receive a pension more than 10 thousand hryvnia. Pensioners with high benefits, suggesting the Ministry may prohibit work (then you have to choose: either salary or pension).

