In Germany mass protests broke out

In Cologne, Germany started right populist party Congress of the party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH), in parallel with him in the city held mass demonstrations of opponents of the right-wing populists, which have led to the wounding of two police officers, according to Bild, the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.

As noted, about ten thousand people took to the streets of Cologne to prevent the holding of the party Congress, which, despite the dissatisfaction of the protesters, was still open.

One of the demonstrators attacked the Deputy of the party. “The man in the mask struck with a wooden stick. Police stood between them and suffered from shock,” said the police.

The second policeman, according to law enforcement, was injured with a sharp object, however, under any circumstances, were undecided.
At the moment the atmosphere is tense in the city. Security on the streets provide four thousand police officers.

Initially, according to the publication, it was expected that the protests will take part to 50 thousand persons.

Note, the protesters are against the participation of the party “Alternative for Germany” in the parliamentary elections to be held in the country in September.

Help. Right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” was founded in early 2013. The party is widely known for its anti-Islamic rhetoric, harsh criticism of the migration policy of the Cabinet Merkel and euroskeptic views.

