To bail Martynenko agreed to 15 deputies and four Ministers

In Solomenskiy district court of Kyiv written statements about taking on bail of the former people’s Deputy of Ukraine Mykola Martynenko 15 deputies and 4 of the existing Ministers. This was reported in court, the lawyer Petro Boyko, reports UNN.

“We believe if the court comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to do in this case without the measure, we have a message to you 15 MPs were present here, which take personal commitment and guarantee for Nikolai Vladimirovich,” — said the lawyer.

In addition, Boyko said, he wrote an application about taking on bail of their client 4 acting Ministers.

We will remind, on 20 April 2017 employees of NAB arrested former people’s Deputy of Ukraine Mykola Martynenko. To him reported about suspicion in creation of criminal organization (part 5, article 191 of the criminal code) and misappropriation, embezzlement of property or taking to them by abuse of official position (paragraph 1 of article 255 of the criminal code).

On the same day, the detectives NAB under the procedural management of SAP prosecutors detained a second person, the Deputy head of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Sergey Fracture, on suspicion of committing crimes under part 1 of article 255 ( “forming criminal organizations”), part 5 of article 191 ( “Assignment, waste of property or taking to them by abuse of official position”) Criminal code of Ukraine.

According to investigators, state enterprise “VostGOK” signed a contract with the intermediary company controlled by detained ex-MP for the supply of uranium concentrate at inflated prices, resulting in the interests of the GP in the years 2014-2016 was damaged in the amount of $ 17280000 . USA .

