How to get rid of big belly: tips Anita Lutsenko

To the beach season we all dream about slender body and flat stomach. Fitness coach Anita Lutsenko told how to get rid of a large belly.

About it she wrote a useful post in Instagram and added a video with a proper exercise.

“A big belly is sugar, high fat, alcohol and white bread! What to replace? Sugar and dried fruits, the harmful fat – healthy, alcohol – intake of water a day, white bread – useful or bread!” – advised Anita.

At the same time, the coach noted that belly fat is very dangerous for health and therefore the body will give it away faster than hip.

“For those who have big bellies and thin legs, it is very important to 100% to follow the eating or the weight will stay there. The worst thing you can do is sit on diets, the stomach will return and getting bigger,” warned Lutsenko.

The coach also showed a useful exercise, which is called “almost summer”.

“Much rests hands on the floor and pushes his legs accurately into the ceiling (not towards you). 20 times 3 sets. Before that workout” – said Anita.

A big belly is sugar, high fat, alcohol and white bread! What to replace? Sugar and dried fruits, the harmful fat – healthy, alcohol – intake of water a day, white bread – useful or bread! This belly fat is very dangerous for health and therefore the body will give it up faster than the thighs! For those who have big bellies and thin legs are sooo important 100% to follow the eating or the weight will stay there. The worst thing you can do is sit on diets, the stomach will return and getting bigger. #uprajneniya “Almost summer” Rests heavily hands on the floor and pushes his legs accurately into the ceiling( not towards you). 20 times 3 sets. Before that warm-up+ last exercise) legs by the way?

Publication from Anita Lutsenko (@anitasporty) APR 10 2017 2:05 PDT

