Easter 2017: how to assemble the basket

This year Easter falls on April 16. The holiday is only a week and so the preparations are in full swing.

The feast of the Passover begins on Saturday evening. Sleep on Easter night is not accepted. Believers gather in the Church for the evening service, and those who stayed at home, light a candle and put it on the windowsill as a sign that they, along with the whole world waiting for the happy news of the resurrection of Christ. Evening service develops into the earliest morning of the year – 12 hours of night, the priests are replaced by casual clothes for the holiday and declare: “Christ is risen!” After a solemn service and worship of Christ the priest sanctifies all that the laity brought in their Easter baskets.

Don’t forget to collect the Easter basket should be properly and there are products that carry in Church for sanctification is strictly prohibited.

The main attributes of Easter are eggs, Easter cakes, Easter, and salt (it is believed that then this salt will consecrate the whole meal) and wine and candles.

This is the set that endorse clergy: eggs symbolize the victory of life over death, the cake – the body of Christ and the fullness of life, Easter – Paradise, Sol – the relationship of God with the people, prosperity and the meaning of life, the Cahors wine – the blood of Christ.

Also in the Church, it would be appropriate to take home the sausage, but in any case not blood. Can also baked ham, bacon, cheese, pies and cakes with cottage cheese and poppy seeds, butter and horseradish – what will break the fast.

It is worth noting that each product from this set has an ancient symbolic meaning. Cheese, cheese and oil – symbols of prosperity, full life, success in business; bacon and sausage – the symbol of happy family life and the replenishment of the family (pig and wild boar are symbols of the feminine and masculine). And this is the maximum appropriate composition of Easter baskets.

It is strictly forbidden to bring to the Church for the consecration of vodka, beer and other alcohol, except Cahors, and also money and other material values.

Earlier Today figured out how to live the Holy week: when not baking cakes and why not too late to start fasting.

