How to plan a successful day: the TOP 5 essential elements

To be able to do many things, you need to write it down. Talking about it a lot and often. But how to approach the compilation of the plan for the day, to successfully do not know everything.

However, experts at time management I think that in itself is a plan increases the chances to do all things on time.

You should pay attention to the plan for the day, to help you be productive, knows

1. Prioritization of tasks

If you write all your tasks in the order in which remember them, you risk getting bogged down in insignificant current Affairs, and not to accomplish something important. To avoid this – you need to prioritize.

There are several methods of prioritization of tasks. For example, the so-called Eisenhower matrix, when the attention focuses on “important and non-urgent cases”, or Brian Tracy method when to start the day with the most serious and important tasks.

To do this, select the most convenient method and realign your tasks so that all important things were done.

2. Realism

Two important points – the realization of the number of cases you plan to make, and realism in the estimate of the time that you need.

Take a few minutes to perform, you cope with your to-do lists. If not, why not? Maybe you’re just trying to fit too many tasks. Or, for example, if your plan for the day is filled with meetings, it is important not to forget to write the time on the road.

In addition, place in your list of temporary reserves, that he was not too dense. Even if something goes wrong, you will have the time to spare, and you will be able in any case to adhere to a schedule.

3. Time to rest

When planning your day, don’t forget to leave time for lunch and to take short breaks to rest or workout. A short pause was not only necessary from the point of view of your health and will help you to feel more cheerful. You will handle challenges more productively.

4. Deadlines

Set yourself a time frame to each point of the plan where possible. So it will be much easier to stay focused, not be distracted and not to procrastinate.

5. The clarity of

Formulate your problem as detailed as possible. For example, if you need to prepare a big presentation, then the better plan to discuss in detail the steps that need to be done. So the major task will not be to scare you in its scale, and will be less likely that you will procrastinate. In addition, you will get the opportunity to think ahead of everything and not to miss the details.

