How to understand that the teenager was addicted to drugs or alcohol

Many Teens try alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Some of them try these substances a few times and stop. Others can’t control their urges or cravings for them. So there is a dependency, writes

Most often adolescents drink alcohol, but they can also try cigarettes, drugs, OTC medicines and drugs. Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug among adolescents.

Why Teens abuse drugs and alcohol?

Teenagers may try alcohol or drugs for different reasons. The most popular:

They want to join the team;
They like feeling;
They want to look more Mature.
Teens tend to try new things and take risks, so they may take alcohol or drugs.

Adolescents from families that have problems with alcohol or drugs, are more prone to serious addictions. At risk are also those children who do not have a close and trusting relationship with parents. The same applies to adolescents with low self-esteem or emotional and mental problems such as depression.

What problems can be cause of teenage addiction?

Substance abuse is the leading cause of death among teenagers. Dependency increases the chances of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Even occasional alcohol use by a teen increases the risk of future problems with alcohol and drugs.

One-time use of certain drugs can cause serious health problems, such as overdose or brain damage.

How to understand that a teenager is abusing substances?

It is important to know the signs that a teenager is abusing alcohol, drugs or other substances. They include:

Red eyes and health complaints. If a teenager frequently uses drops of redness of the eyes, maybe he hides the redness of the eyes caused by Smoking marijuana.

  • Constantly constricted or dilated pupils not responsive to light.
  • Pale skin, poor quality hair.
  • The decline in interest in learning and legacy interests.
  • Reluctance to introduce new friends, the rejection of the old company.
  • Mood swings, bouts of aggression.
  • Excessive mobility and rapid speech or, conversely, apathy and lethargy.
  • Lack of appetite or constant hunger.
  • Rapid weight loss or weight gain.

What if you learned that your child is using alcohol or drugs?

Try to talk openly with a teenager. Don’t be rigid, don’t yell or use hurtful words. In most cases, the aggressive behavior of a teenager repels and frightens him. If you don’t know how to talk to a child, please seek the help of a pediatrician, psychologist or psychiatrist.

The type of treatment that is needed by the teenager, depend on the level of substance abuse. For example, if the child has tried alcohol or drugs once, a Frank conversation can be enough. But, if a teenager has a serious addiction, it is necessary to show the doctor. In this case, it may be necessary to carry out cleansing of the body and treatment.

Can you prevent teenage addiction?

To prevent the use of psychoactive substances:

  • Talk to your child about how you feel about the fact that he tried drugs or alcohol.
  • Encourage hobby of the child, introduce him to sports and other activities.
  • Praise the child for his success.
  • Know friends of their child.

