Metropolitan Anthony spoke on how to hold the fifth week of lent

On Thursday of the fifth week (often Wednesday evening), in all Orthodox churches held a worship service that happens once a year, the Standing of St. Mary of Egypt, reminded the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), said the information Center of the UOC.

“Mariino standing – long service, which comforts believers, at the same time calling for repentance and continued fasting. The example of the life of St. Mary of Egypt, who turned to God after years of an unjust life is the realization that there is no sin which the Lord would not forgive.

The door of repentance and the door to the Kingdom of God are one and the same, it is open to every sincere penitent.

Repentance is hard work, but this is the main condition of salvation. “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven,” urged John the Baptist. The same words he began His sermon, our Lord Jesus Christ. While the person is alive, it is never too late to hear this call, and to step on the threshold, opening the way of salvation,” – said the managing Director of the UOC.

However, he explained why realizing sins, repentance should not be delayed.

“My soul my soul, rise up that sleep? The end is coming!”, – sing the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Every human life is day by day decreasing. Repentance is not necessary to save, because you can not make it,” said the Bishop.

Metropolitan Antony reminded of that on Sunday, Orthodox Christians celebrated the memory of the great ascetic, the venerable John Climacus, author of the spiritual creation “Lestvitsa” (“Ladder”). Lord drew attention to the importance of constantly striving for spiritual perfection.

“It should not be a static condition. If a person thinks that he is spiritually, everything is stable and good that he is not worse than others is a sign that he is spiritually degrading. The spiritual life always requires movement, the movement to God ascent “from strength to strength” (PS. 83:8). Because the only way the soul is purified from all vicious, bringing to life a sin,” said the Bishop.

Speaking about the feat of prayer during the Great lent, Metropolitan Anthony stressed the importance of prayerful appeal to the Lord about the establishment of peace in Ukraine.

“In the days of the Great lent we must intensify prayer for our country. We can ask the Lord to intervene in the course of history, that our land came the long-awaited world” – called Manager of UOC.

*** Fourth Sunday of Great lent named in honor of St. John Climacus, who describes the Christian way to spiritual perfection. On the fifth week of lent the Orthodox Church urges the faithful to special penitential mood. On Wednesday evening, March 29, all the churches of the 24 stanzas are sung of St. Andrew of Crete.

Is read the Great penitential Canon of St. the life of St. Mary of Egypt, which has managed to move away from a life of sin and turned to God. 1 April is the “Saturday of the Akathist”. The day before, on Friday, March 31, is singing thanksgiving to the most Holy Theotokos. Sunday, April 2, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Mary of Egypt.

