Spain woman feeding her Python kittens and puppies

An employee of the animal shelter caught the resident of the Spanish town of Loja in the huge Python feeding puppies and kittens, reports International Business Times.

It is reported that the police launched an investigation against the woman.

As writes the edition, the Python was for sale via the Internet, and when an employee of the animal shelter asked for the phone details, it was found that feeding a snake in the course are kittens, puppies and birds.

An employee of the animal shelter reported it to the Department for the protection of animals Civil guard of Spain. In relation to housewife Python under investigation. Woman suspected of animal cruelty.

Spanish criminal law provides imprisonment for the term from three months to years for wrongful murder or maiming of a pet.

As reported in the Kenyan Masai Mara (East Africa) four-meter Python had swallowed whole the 68-pound hyena.

