Spring marathon beauty: TOP salon procedures that are worth a try

In the spring I especially want beauty first and foremost — from its reflection in the mirror. We picked up the procedure, after which you, looking at yourself, say: “All people as people, and I’m a goddess!” But you’ll have to fork out a bit.


  • Olga Loboda, beautician
  • Oksana Techlivez, dermatologist-cosmetologist


In winter our face is subjected to a severe test. Frosts and cold weather in combination with increased aridity in areas severely dry out the skin. As a result, it becomes dull and starts flaking. Spring is the perfect procedure will be biorevitalization, or in other words, the hydration of the skin. Spring is the best time for biorevitalisation because now the sun is not very active (after the session it is necessary to limit the stay under beams).

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROCEDURE. Biorevitalization — injection under the skin hyaluronic acid. It is contained in the tissues of nature, responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. However, over time the quantity is reduced and collagen production slows down. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles. When we introduce a hyaluronic acid, then artificially triggered the rejuvenation effect. In addition, it restores the skin’s moisture balance. Usually the result is visible after 1-2 treatments, but to consolidate the effect it is better to go 4-6. The price of biorevitalization depends on the drug, which is injected under the skin (starts from 2000 UAH).

CONTRAINDICATIONS. The age of 30 (young skin itself produces enough hyaluronic acid), pregnancy, lactation, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumours, epilepsy, diseases of the skin.


Require special care in spring and hair affected by winter weather. Among the common problems — oiliness at the roots and dry split ends. In addition, in the spring, often even smooth hair misbehave and shove. To solve all these troubles under the power of kartirovanie. This is one of the most effective treatments for deep hair restoration. Not only does it eliminate the “spring” problem, but will help restore your locks Shine.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROCEDURE. Kartirovanie involves the processing of hair over the entire length of the special tool with keratin. This substance is “embedded” in the structure of the hair and creates on the surface protective film. Subsequently, it will protect from adverse weather conditions and mechanical damages (for example, irons and plates). After the procedure, smooth hair longer confused and break down and curly will be more smooth. Kartirovanie doing 2-3 hours, and the effect lasts for 3-5 months. Price depends on length of hair (from 500 UAH).

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Bronchial asthma, skin diseases, cancer, susceptibility to hair loss. Do not do this procedure on synthetic curls.


With the first rays of sun most gloves hides away in the closet. Eventually the skin on the hands scaly, red and cracked. Will help to solve these problems in paraffin. By the way, it can be done on almost any area of skin (face, abdomen, thighs, legs).

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROCEDURE. Paraffin is made of cosmetic paraffin wax. It is melted in the bath and immerse hands for a few minutes. Then put on special packages and Terry mittens. Eventually, this creates a sauna effect: the pores are opened and moisturizers penetrate deep into the skin. In addition, during this procedure improves blood flow, allowing faster heal cracks and sores. The duration of treatment paraffin 30 minutes and already, one treatment is enough to see results. Price hand treatments — from 50 UAH for feet — from 70 UAH.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. High blood pressure, varicose veins, and the presence of the rash to large bleeding wounds.


Add in a spring marathon and is now such a popular procedure as wrap. It applies at any time of year, but would be particularly useful in the spring. The fact that in winter we often lead sedentary lifestyle, which in the body of accumulated toxins, the body wrap will help them out. In addition, the procedure reduces the volume in problem areas, reduce cellulite, improve skin tone. A seaweed wrap, among other things, will hydrate tired winter skin.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROCEDURE. Before any body wrap the skin will be cleaned with a scrub that substance can penetrate as deep as possible. After that, the body, or separate zones are applied with a special tool and wrapped with tape. When hot wrapping extra people wrapped a thermal blanket. Under the action of heat and the composition deposited on the skin, fats are broken down, the vessels dilate, the circulation improves, the pores open and detoxification happens. In addition, the skin absorbs from a mixture of nutrients (vitamins, minerals). Wraps better to pass the course (10-12 treatments, duration — 1-2 hours). Cost — from 300 UAH per session.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Varicose veins, heart disease and kidney failure, hypertension, gynecological diseases, pregnancy, lactation, critical days.

