Top 5 myths about the procurement of medicines through international organizations

Medicine has always been a corrupt branch of the government work. Here used to believe the doctors word for it, because they have the oath in the head and our lives in his hands. But some doctors, unfortunately, accustomed to a real to enjoy.

The years, the collaboration between doctors, officials and remotely turned to unofficial arrangements, tenders “under the”. And, of course, inflated prices for medicines. Thus, the difference in the price of the same medicines procured by international organizations and Ministry of health, was up to 22 times. That is, for the same money you could treat 22 times more patients, if not for fantastic earnings, settled in the pockets of the pharmaceutical mafia and officials of the Ministry.

Unfortunately, after the revolution of Dignity, people who for years earned the disease the Ukrainians, was not even on the benches of the accused – not that behind bars. According to the security Service of Ukraine, up to 40% of the money that was spent on the purchase of medicines in Ukraine is plundered, but no official, and even the former head of the Ministry, known for his love of expensive handbags, – Raisa Bohatyryova has not been brought to justice.

The situation began to improve when in 2015 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on public procurement of medicines through international organizations. Now medicines for Ukrainian patients buy are not officials of the Ministry and the UN children’s Fund – UNICEF, United Nations development Programme and the British Royal Agency “Crown Agents”. This system works in many countries around the world, as well as developed countries and often purchase vaccines through UNICEF is more economical and ensures quality products, verified by the world health organization.

As it now works

The Ministry of health in accordance with the law preparing “shopping lists”, that is, the necessary medicines. Prepared document is sent to international organizations and to transfer them money, and they announce the tenders. Some organizations, such as UNICEF, entered the order of Ukraine in its existing contracts, increasing their number, and buy all products directly from manufacturers, which significantly reduces prices. After Contracting the medicines are delivered to the warehouses of state-owned enterprises subordinate to the Ministry and transported to hospitals.

Only for the first year from 2.2 billion UAH, transferred for the purchase of medicines to international organizations, 620 million in savings and purchased additional treatment. According to public organization “Center of counteraction of corruption”, which the last 5 years has been monitoring the procurement of medicines for public funds, 84% of drugs of adult Oncology, was purchased cheaper than the prices at which these drugs are bought, officials of the Ministry of health.

However, the new reform for which many people lost profits, began to “grow into” myths and legends aimed at discrediting this step.

Myth 1

They say that the purchase of medicines given to God knows who

But it’s not. Organizations procurement is one of the largest international organizations in the world that have experience in procurement of drugs. The Ministry of health cooperates only with those organizations which are set out in the adopted law.

And in what parallel universe UNICEF, UNDP and the Crown Agents – no one knows who?

UNICEF, for example, works in all corners of the world, providing drugs to children from the countries of Western Europe, USA, Australia, Africa and Asia. The contribution of humanitarian missions to UNICEF, it seems difficult to overestimate. The United Nations development programme operates in 170 countries, helping in their global and national development. And Crown Agents, operating in more than 100 countries having more than 185 years (!) experience in international procurement in different parts of the world. When the rock festival comes to Metallica, don’t say that in the list of unknown person. And here. These companies are recognized and have global authority and control over their work.

Myth 2

Say that the medicines for international procurement of lower quality

“Cheap” doesn’t mean “less quality”. International procurement was allowed to go to the tenders of foreign companies that offer competitive prices. So the Ministry is able to obtain quality products without paying. So, for example, a drug for the treatment of cancer Imatinib were purchased by the Ministry of health for 97 dollars. for 1 tablet, and the international organization bought drug is another European manufacturer, which is used in the EU for 4,4 dollars. per pill. The difference was almost 30 times, although the first and second manufacturer – European.

Myth 3

They say that international organizations themselves are cashing in on the money from the Ukrainian budget

International organizations received only funds for their work. 5% of the total cost of procurement international partner organizes the tender and finds for Ukraine the best offer for the price. If to consider that Ukraine had overpaid by at least 40% of the drugs, and earn a pharmaceutical mafia, the 5% who get an international organization for its work is very beneficial for Ukraine. Of this money, in particular on assistance to Ukraine. For example, UNICEF has 20 million hryvnia purchased special equipment to Ukraine for transportation of vaccines that were clearly complied with all the cool modes of transportation of drugs.

Myth 4

Now buy only foreign producers, and Ukrainian pharmacists were “overboard”

A significant number of drugs were purchased in local pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, international procurement became a window for Ukrainian companies on the international market

Myth 5

Drugs are later, not the ones with a short shelf life

All drugs bought through international organizations, are acquired solely in accordance with the order of the Ministry. In addition, the Ministry of health agreed with each supplier, price, and release form, for example tablets or capsules. There was a case when the Ministry and his assistants accidentally ordered the drug is not injections and sachet. Despite the fact that the mistake was made by the Ministry of health, international organization at his own expense procured the necessary medication and put him in the hospital. All drugs supplied by international organizations, accompanied by a letter of guarantee, and in case of not using these drugs prior to the expiration date, they will be replaced by new ones.

Why is actually such fierce resistance, apparently, a successful reform?

In fact, the Ministry of health eliminated the corruption component of these tenders.

Delegating procurement to international organizations, the Ministry of health has cut off access to the Ukrainian pharmaceutical mafia of public money. An international organization with no direct interest in the procurement, and PROSARO get money for their work – a better alternative than the company related to the tender commissions.

Now the Ministry of health is spending less money, buying more drugs.

Now international organizations of the Ministry of health to purchase medicines at prices lower than it was in 2014. Procurement of 7 types of vaccines and antiretroviral drugs UNICEF saved Ukraine $ 4 million from the budget of 2015 allocated to this program.

And now more than half of drugs purchased from international manufacturers.

65% of drugs for international procurement of the Ministry of health receives directly from the producers. This means that Ukrainians will receive quality products at market prices. The Ministry of health now receives cheaper drugs, and the tenders already awarded to the company from 15 countries.

Alexander Ustinov, member of the Board of anticorruption action Center, “Today”

