The Iranian military boats have forced American and British ships to change course – the media

Several high-speed military boats Iran has approached the US Navy ship in the Strait of Hormuz on Saturday, forcing him to change direction. About it reports Reuters, citing a U.S. official familiar with the situation, reports “Ukrainian truth”.

The official said that boats approached to a distance of 600 metres to the surveillance ship USNS Invincible, and stopped. The American ship and the three ships of the British Royal Navy, who accompanied him, had to change course.

Attempts were made to communicate with the Iranian boats over the radio, but there was no answer and this behavior was “unsafe and unprofessional”.

Such incidents occur periodically, the latest major was in January, when a US Navy destroyer fired three warning shots in the direction of four Iranian fast-attack ships in the area of the Strait of Hormuz.

Earlier it was reported that on the weekend of the Iranian military launched two ballistic missiles. So, according to American officials, one of the most successful launches of ballistic missiles destroyed a barge approximately 155 km from the coast of the country.
In addition, U.S. officials noted that the launches of ballistic missiles “Fateh-110” was the first missile test in two years.

