As obscene language makes life easier: the opinion of the psychologist

Not always swearing and obscene language – sign of illiteracy, near crazy or bad language, say psychologists.

As studies have shown, masterly possession of the Mat opposite – it can display, just a skillful command of the language, reports the New time.

Swearing as such can become a habit, but it is used in different contexts and for different purposes: for language to convey emotions, to laugh, or perhaps even to cause the interlocutor deliberately negative impression, says Professor of psychology at the University Kidscom Richard Stevens.

How freely you speak abusive language?

Psychologists Marist College in the US found a link between how well a person speaks English and how free he feels profanities. Fluency can be measured with a simple test: for one minute to name as many words as possible beginning with a specific letter of the alphabet. People with a good knowledge of the language can name a lot more such words in the allotted time. Based on this approach, the researchers created a test fluency foul language.

Volunteers participated in the experiment were asked to list as many different swear words as they could recall within a minute. By comparing the scores on both tests, scientists have found that those who scored the highest score when testing fluency are usually also better able to cope with the task on fluency of abuse. But those who showed poor results in the test for word fluency, also have not coped with the test for curses.

As shown by this correlation, swearing is not a sign of poverty of language, the General language or of low intelligence. Actually mate, apparently, is the one tool that the speaker can use in order to communicate with maximum efficiency. And some examples of usage of abuse go beyond just communication.

Natural pain relief

In another study, psychologists asked volunteers to keep a hand in ice water for as long as they could endure, repeating a dirty word. The same set of participants passed another test with ice water, but this time they repeated a neutral word, not a curse. In the experiments, was controlled by heart rate.

The results showed that those who used foul language, coping with the pain much longer, considering this experience as less painful, and showed a much higher heart rate compared to those who repeated a neutral word. That is, the body gave an emotional response to the abuse, activating the reaction of “fight or flight”: the natural protective mechanism which not only releases adrenaline and raises your heart rate, but it also involves natural pain relief, known as stress-induced analgesia.

Two-way communication with emotions

The researchers wanted to explore further the question of how swearing and emotions are linked. The following study was to verify, is it true, the opposite is studied in the initial experiment. That is, defining what the abuse is emotional.

Participants were asked to play a first person video game shooter to cause emotional arousal in the lab. They played ten minutes during which explored a virtual environment and struggled to survive by shooting different enemies. We found that this is a great way to arouse emotions, as the participants reported a much higher level of aggression than those who played the video game “Golf”.

Then, the same participants underwent a test for the level of fluency of abuse. As expected, those who played first-person shooter games, could list a lot more swear words than those who played Golf. This confirms two-way communication between obscene language and emotions. On the one hand, swearing provokes an emotional reaction, as shown in the experiment with ice water, on the other, the emotional arousal can also promote a more active and free use of swear words.

So, as shown by the above study, language is more than just the intention to insult or lack of verbal hygiene. Language is a complex Toolkit, and swearing is part of this Toolkit. Not surprisingly, many of the last words of the pilots who died in aerial accidents and sealed on the records of “black boxes” — obscene. This underlines the importance of abuse, given its frequent use in situations of life and death. And the fact that the size of your obscene vocabulary is associated with a wealth of General vocabulary that proves that swearing is inextricably linked to life experience and expression of feelings and emotions.

