Britain’s decision to say goodbye to the European Union, which was adopted in a referendum last year, has astonished the whole world. But now the world does not cease to surprise with the problems that Britain faces in the legislative sphere at the stage of implementation of this decision.
The referendum held on 23 June 2016, showed a split British public opinion on the issue of parting with the EU. In the course of voting it became clear that the number of supporters of separation is 51.9%, and those who are inclined to stay in the Union, — 48,2%.
The fact that the people of the country expressed their different points of view in approximately the same ratio, has slowed the start of the process necessary for implementation of the decision on withdrawal from the EU. The government Theresa may believed the outcome of the referendum is sufficient and believed that in the framework of the 50th article of the Treaty of Lisbon to begin negotiations on secession from the EU. So, Theresa may announced that the negotiations will be launched on 31 March 2017.
But the Supreme court was of a different opinion. According to the decision, which the court accepted in January of this year, the government must obtain parliamentary approval to enter the 50th article in action. This decision was made after eight of the eleven members of the Supreme court expressed this view.
Motivated this decision was the fact that leaving the EU would mean a fundamental change in the EU legislation that applies in the country, and powers for the implementation of such legal changes the government can only give the legislative body.
The government Theresa may was forced to bring this issue to the Parliament. The vote on granting the government the powers to question out of the EU first passed in the House of Commons, whose members overwhelmingly gave the government such authority.
It was the turn of the house of lords. During a vote held the previous day in the House of lords, the government’s proposed bill, which has passed through the House of Commons without any amendments, was rejected.
The house of lords decided that the bill should be amended to clearly indicate, as in the case of withdrawal from the EU will ensure the protection of the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.
When the functioning of democracy followed by a regular action of the mechanisms to validate, correct, and control the achieved result can take the right form. The government for a short period of time will make amendments required by the House of lords, and an amended bill will again be tabled in the house of Commons.
The conservative party, has a majority in the House of Commons, says that she will not experience any difficulties when again will send your bill after making the necessary changes. But is delaying the process puts in jeopardy the time frame in which the government Theresa may was planning to start negotiations on withdrawal from the EU.
All the democratic mechanisms, shows that certain procedures are not presented as a fait accompli, and they gain force after patient and careful thinking through of any topic to the smallest detail. And the UK as a country, which, from this point of view applies the parliamentary system successfully.
Despite eight months have passed since the referendum, the results of which the UK took the decision to withdraw from the EU, the government is still unable to obtain the necessary authority to start negotiations with the EU on this issue. Delaying the process, of course, bothers some circles, but with the amendments demanded by the House of lords, will ensure the protection of the rights of EU citizens who continue to live in the UK.
This year, the EU goes through some important tests. Elections to be held in the Netherlands, France and Germany, could lead to the change of power in these countries, and in the relationship each of these countries with the EU can be a significant transformation.
Any signs of how they will shape Turkey’s relations with the EU, which is on the verge of such an important change, not yet observed. Now the two sides are focused on their internal issues. I hope that when the events related to domestic issues, settles, and hand their heads up, look around, is not too late.