about 2 billion UAH.
such damage, according to NABU, caused to the state by illegal actions of the head of the State fiscal service of the Roman Nasirov, 3 Mar officially taken into custody. During the investigation , the Cabinet Nasirova was removed from office.
with a surplus of 1.5 billion
The Cabinet approved the budget of the social insurance Fund in 2017, and the budget of the Fund of compulsory state social insurance against unemployment – a surplus of 200 million UAH.
875,52 million UAH
“Ukrzaliznytsya” plans to spend on the purchase of 38 passenger compartment sleeping cars – quotations will be accepted until April 3. To this day accepted bids for the rehabilitation of 50 passenger cars, the total expected cost of the work – 510,2 million. All in all, this year Ukrzaliznytsia plans to carry out overhaul reconditioning of passenger cars 200 and replenish the fleet of 50 new.
in the next 4 years
should be completed the construction of three metro stations in the river. It will take 300 million euros, in the form of a loan will allocate the European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and European investment Bank (EIB).
increased by 6.5%
in January the total amount of wage arrears – to 1907,6 million. The debt of economically active enterprises decreased by 22.2% to 870,3 million.
250 billion
you need to spend in the next five years to bring the road of Ukraine to a normal state, said the Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian. For road repairs in the state budget for 2017 is allocated 35 billion UAH.
increased by 26%
in January the debt of the population for housing and communal services – to 25.4 billion. According to the state statistics service, in January, the Ukrainians paid for housing and utility services of 9.17 billion, which accounted for 62.6 per cent accrued during the month amount.
Photo: G. Szalai, Today
21 billion
was in January-February income tax on income of natural persons (personal income tax), 45% more in annual terms, said the Minister sotspolitiki Andrey Reva. “This is more than we could imagine,” he said at the Cabinet meeting. Revenues unified social tax (Ust) amounted to 22.6 billion, which is 16.5% more than a year ago.
grew by 5.1%
The country’s GDP in January – this was an assessment made by the Ministry of economy.
Of 26.8 million hectares
the area of crops for harvest in 2017, predicts the Ministry of agrarian policy, which corresponds to the last year level. According to preliminary data, the largest share in the structure of the projected acreage for wheat (23.6 per cent), sunflower (20%), corn (16.4 per cent), barley (9.7%) and soybeans (7,2%).
20,07 kt
is the tariff quota for 2017 for duty-free export of domestic sugar to the EU. Today it is already fully used. According to forecasts of the Association “Ukrtsukor”, domestic enterprises in the 2016-2017 marketing year (September 2016 – August 2017) export record for all time of independence of Ukraine the volume of sugar – more than 500 thousand tons and approximately 60% of sugar is produced from sugar cane and the rest from sugar beet.
increased by 13%
natural gas imports in February, in annual terms – up to 1.4 billion cubic meters, said the “Ukrtransgaz”.
UAH 550 million
assigned the Cabinet of Ministers on support of domestic agricultural mechanical engineering in 2017 Farmers will be compensated 20% of the cost of purchased agricultural machinery of Ukrainian production, instead of the 15% proposed earlier.
50% profit
for 2016 should transfer to the budget of state-owned enterprises is the government’s decision. An exception is made for the savings Bank and “Ukrhydroenergo”, which will transfer 30%.
$ 505.4 bn million dollars
paid to the Treasury as interest income for the third coupon period on bonds of external state loan, issued in the course of restructuring debt. The amount of the first coupon payment amounted to 473,3 million, the second $ 505.4 bn million dollars.
36 banks
should reduce loans to related parties, this conclusion is based on results of diagnosis made by the NBU.
16,997 billion UAH
since the beginning of this year, the state Treasury reimbursed VAT. These payments are very unevenly, which has an impact on the hryvnia on the interbank currency market.
more by 9.2%,
than planned was the state budget revenues in January-February. In annual terms, revenues grew by 58.7%.
48.4% more
in annual terms were in January-February revenues of local budgets, reported the state Treasury.
515 million dollars
intends to invest in Ukrainian horticulture for over two years the state Corporation China Haisum Engineering. To Finance selected 18 projects in 16 regions of Ukraine.
44 applications
received the Ministry of environment for the construction of solar power plants in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, said the Minister of Ostap Semerak. EBRD will consider financing the construction of such plants.
The world
43% of Russians
proud of “the return of the Crimea to Russia” – this result was obtained in a survey conducted by “Levada Center” in January of this year. Many other results of this poll deserve to see them in Ukraine
In the history of the country cause you a sense of pride?
The victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.
The return of the Crimea to the Russian Federation
The leading role of the country in space exploration
The great Russian literature
Achievements of Russian science
The glory of Russian arms
The moral qualities of the Russian people
The great Russian travelers, pioneers
The stabilization of the country under Putin, economic growth
Sewn Europe from the Mongol invasion
Perestroika, the beginning of market reforms
Where is your sense of shame and disappointment in the Russian history of the twentieth century?
Great people, rich country, and live in eternal poverty
The destruction of the USSR
Rude manners, disrespect of people to each other
Repression, terror, deportation of the peoples
The chronic gap between the West
What in the end resulted in the restructuring of the
Limited, incompetent, self-serving power
The military defeat of Russia
The desire to impose by force their system on other countries and peoples
The arrival of Putin to power
National arrogance
Nothing like this cause me much shame
321 billion dollars
paid world’s largest banks in fines since the financial crisis in 2008 for various violations: from money laundering to try to manipulate markets, according to Boston Consulting Group. According to experts, in the coming years, banks will continue to pay fines because the policy of tightening of regulatory requirements will remain.
achieved the target of 2%
the annual rate of inflation in the Eurozone in February – for the first time since January 2013 It has accelerated compared to 1.8% in January. While in Germany, inflation reached 2.2%, and Spain – 3%. However, core inflation, not taking into account the prices for energy and food, remained at the level of 0.9%. She remained below 1% since August 2013
remains of 9.6%
in January unemployment in the 19 countries of the Eurozone, which is the lowest level since may 2009, according to data by Eurostat. The labour market situation in the Eurozone gradually improving in 2013 when unemployment reached a high of 12.1 per cent thanks to the unprecedented economic support measures implemented by the European Central Bank. In the eu28, the unemployment rate in January decreased to 8.1% from 8.2%.
1 million bags of coffee
Robusta is permitted to purchase in Vietnam, the government of Brazil. A country that is the largest producer of coffee in the world, for the first time in its history forced to start importing to supply the domestic demand. The reason for the fall harvest because of the drought. The international coffee organization (ICO) has published a forecast that the shortage of supply of coffee on the world market will continue for the third year in a row. In the 2016/2017 marketing year, which began in October, the production of coffee beans is expected to reach 151.6 million bags, and consumption 155,1 million bags.