White Alliance

Donald trump probably thinks the time has come when the United States should unite with Russia for the sake of a common cause. The American President was to defend Putin during an interview on Fox when he called the Russian President a murderer. It is hard to imagine, but the American President in front of television cameras, in fact, stated that the us government hands stained in blood.

This is a new thing in Republican party politics.

It’s kind of strange Union of the two great imperialist powers of the last century?

A recognized classic of American literature, Gore Vidal (Gore Vidal) wrote: “the Union of the two major powers of the Northern hemisphere will give them new strength, and cooperation will help them to survive economically in terms of Asian expansion”.

Vidal believed that the Alliance between Russia (with its rich natural resources) with the United States (with rich technological resources) would be very useful not only for them but for the whole world.

This kind of Alliance could be formed on the basis of joint struggle against international terrorism. Unfortunately, the administration of Nobel peace prize winner Barack Obama has opted to continue insane policies of Bush led to the civil war in Libya and Syria.

This policy was qualified by the trump, and not only them as catastrophic.

The Alliance of the USA and Russia, of this writing, Gore Vidal, may also be based on common economic, cultural, and Christian interests. Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, evangelicals could create a “white Alliance” as opposed to “yellow”.

Attracts attention the fact that trump and Putin, unlike many Russian and Americans — non-drinkers and non-smokers. I noticed during a lunch in Ibiza, where he was allowed to drink and smoke. This environment was conducive to the presence of music and absence of mobile phones. The invention of TV has led to the fact that people have forgotten how to talk to each other. The achievements of Cybernetics and smartphones have become part of our being. Thank God that there are still bars where you can sit quietly and talk, looking into each other’s eyes.

Terrace restaurant Cosmi de Santa Inés is always full of visitors. There I met a young American from California. She told me that her parents were hippies, and stated that a large portion of the US population is cosmopolitan. In their hearts they admire the East, but Asians remain more mysterious than the Russian.

And if you don’t understand something, you fear it.

