UN: Israel’s Decision on building in the West Bank violates international law

The decision of the Israel Parliament on the legalization of thousands of homes for settlers in the West Bank of the Jordan river are at variance with international law. This was stated press Secretary of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dujarric, Reuters reports, transfers “112 Ukraine”.

“The Secretary-General deeply regrets the adoption of the bill. This bill is contrary to international law and will have far-reaching legal consequences for Israel,” said spokesman Stefan Dujarric.

According to Stefan Dwarika to resolve the Israeli-palestynskiego conflict had a lot of effort.

The representative of the UN Secretary General also said: “the Secretary-General insists on the need to avoid any actions that would disrupt the coexistence of two States.”

We will remind, the Israeli Parliament adopted a bill that will legalize the construction of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories. It is expected that the bill may be subject to scrutiny by the High court of justice.

Earlier, Israel approved the construction of 2.5 million new homes in the West Bank of the Jordan river. The project was approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. It is noted that the houses will be built mostly within existing settlements.

