Washington — With the inauguration of US President Donald trump it has been 10 days, and the new head of state had already taken a number of major decisions that are pretty scared the whole world. These measures led to disagreement with the actions of the administration and political opponents trump in Congress and his own party members, and leaders of Western European States.
First of all we are talking about the decree of trump, which is 90 days introduces a ban to enter the country nationals of seven countries — Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. In addition, for 120 days, stopped the program the admission of refugees and admission of refugees from Syria stopped indefinitely.
Extraordinary measures trump caused chaos and panic in the airports of America and many other countries. The immigration authorities had to turn back citizens of these countries, even though their passports were us visa. The ban came even those who had a green card entitling them to live and work in the U.S., as well as citizens who have dual citizenship (US and one of the countries included in “black list”).
Muslims banned
In the American media the next day after the ban was published dozens of amazing stories, in what difficult situation were legally coming to America people from the Middle East.
Shaheen Hasanpur, 70-year-old Iranian citizen, flew from Tehran to Washington in the second half of this past Friday, a few hours before trump put his signature under the decree. By the time when she arrived to Washington DULLES international airport “DULLES” the law has entered into force and Shaheen was not allowed in America. 29-year-old Iranian Roya Arablouei had to return from Tehran to new York, where she was waiting for her husband, a US citizen, and where she studied at Columbia University. But the Iranian international airport “Isfahan” representatives of the Turkish airline refused to let her on the plane after it became known about the decree of trump.
And the next story walked literally all American Newspapers and websites. We are talking about the Iraqi Hamid Khalid Darwish the which as the interpreter worked for the American military in their country since the occupation of Iraq in 2003. Considering his achievements, the U.S. government granted him the right to asylum in their country. But on Saturday, he, like many other Iraqis, were detained at the international airport of a name of John Kennedy in new York. Meanwhile in Iraq, there are 7,000 people who cooperated with the American military command and now they all fell in the category of unwelcome to the United States.
“A blow to American values”
“The refusal to accept refugees President trump is a blow to all American values”, such a title makes in its editorial capital The Washington Post. The newspaper reminds that the United States is a country of immigrants and there has always hosted refugees from other countries who were persecuted in their homeland.
The reader may say: we have heard a lot about the ideals of freedom in America, but not always, this country wisely put into practice the decrees of their founding fathers…
Several U.S. senators, as well as current and retired senior officials claim that the decisions taken by trump’s actions seriously complicate the efforts to combat terrorism, which the US is taking in the last 16 years (after the attack, “al-Qaeda” in September 2001). They argue that the hastily adopted by presidential decree only adds to the arguments of terrorist organizations, claiming that American intervention in the middle East is “religious crusade”. At the same time these measures greatly complicate the work of a natural, though not always visible allies of the us authorities, whether the mullahs in urban mosques in the United States or agents of us intelligence in the middle East.
“We fear that this decree will be a blow to our fight against terrorism, the statement says influential Republican senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain. —This decree sends a signal that America no longer wants to host the Muslims. He thus merely helps the terrorists instead to strengthen our security.”
As he said in an interview with haqqin.az expert in the field of combating terrorism Brian Jenkins of the RAND Corporation, decrees trump make American cities more vulnerable to terrorists. “The danger comes from ideas, not from refugees, he said. It’s a matter of motivation and not filtration.”
President trump defends his position. “I want to say clearly that this is not a prohibition for Muslims, as incorrectly reported by the media. It’s not a question of religion — it is a question of terrorism and security in our country,” — said in a special statement of the President.
But such arguments Americans are not too convincing. Experts ask — then why in the seven was not hit Saudi Arabia, whose citizens were 15 of the 19 terrorists of “al-Qaeda” humiliating America in September 2001-the year, why not Pakistan, which have warmed the head of “al-Qaeda” Osama bin Laden?
“Leninist” in the security Council
There are other serious questions to the Trump. Columnist of the influential publication Foreign Policy by David Rothkopf writes, referring to the information of CNN that the recently appointed head of the Department of homeland security John Kelly was not aware that trump is going to sign a law banning the admission of refugees and restrictions on the entry of citizens from 7 countries. “The result is that neither Kelly nor the authority, which he heads, was unable to prepare for execution of the decree,” writes Rothkopf.
Someone may say- wait this is only the first days in the White house new administration, let us give them time to formulate your strategy. But the initial period of each administration, no matter how chaotic it may be, is a consultation with various political forces, a reflection to define a strategy, not frenetic action. Team trump, it seems, in a hurry to take orders even when many high-ranking officials have not yet gone through “purgatory” of Congress and took their seats.
Moreover, the American media pay attention to selectivity in the choice of locations in the national security Council — a key body responsible for the internal and foreign policy of the United States. So, for example, the President had agreed that the Director of National intelligence America and the head of the joint command of the chiefs of staff of the us army would be invited to attend NSC meetings only “if necessary”.
At the same time, a permanent chair, the NSS received the assistant and confidant of trump Stephen Bannon, a man with a very mixed reputation in America. In the past, he was the publisher of the far right, with obvious racist overtones edition Breibart. Bannon has no experience in the field of national security of the United States. And about the radical views of his eloquently one statement. He once called himself a “Leninist”, referring to the intention to “blow to hell” the entire system of government of the United States.
Do not jump to conclusions
The New York Times and other influential Newspapers are predicting that in the near future will begin a confrontation not only between trump and the “great press” of America — the war between them goes on for many months, but between the White house and local authorities — governors, mayors, legislative assemblies of the States.
The attorneys General of 15 U.S. States have already condemned the decree of the President of the United States Donald trump on immigration, calling it “illegal”. A joint statement was released by attorneys General of major States such as new York, California, Pennsylvania, Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia, Connecticut, Illinois, new Mexico, Maryland, and others, as well as the district of Columbia where the capital of the United States.
The heads of several large American companies also criticized the US President Donald trump due to the tightening of migration policy. For example, Apple’s CEO Tim cook said that Apple would not be able to flourish and develop without migrants. Cook also said that the decree trump directly affected many employees of his company. He promised that he will do everything possible to help them.
Anti-immigrant law trump has not found support among the leaders of Western European countries.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has criticized US President Donald trump behind the tightening of American immigration policy, under which the citizens of seven Muslim countries were temporarily denied entry into the country, reported Der Spiegel. The criticism of the tightening of immigration policy Donald trump also joined the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may. And even before that the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau in the coming days is going to Washington, expressed readiness to accept refugees after the adoption of what in Canada is called “anti-Muslim edict” trump.
These are the results of the first 10 days of the 45th U.S. President at the White house. However, there are Americans who serves not jump to conclusions. It makes sense to listen to such opinion in accordance with the wise Russian proverb that chickens are hatched.