For Poroshenko it is important to know the impression Merkel from talking with trump – expert

The President of Ukraine visited Germany on a working visit, during which he met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

As noted Poroshenko during his meeting with Merkel, they will discuss the implementation of the Minsk agreements, as well as the liberation of hostages. Among other things, the two presidents will touch upon within the “Normandy format” and the question of German aid in the promotion of Ukrainian reforms. Merkel, in turn, said that concerned about the situation in the Donbas: “We learned that the regime of silence no, soldiers are dying, and this situation raises concerns”.

According to political analyst Vladimir Fesenko, the issue of implementation of the Minsk agreements will rise in the context of renewed fighting in Avdeevka (the Donetsk region). However, he believes that no fundamentally new things meeting the two leaders will not.

“For Poroshenko, it is very important to know the impression Merkel from a conversation with the President of the United States Donald trump. That is to get information from first hand: what they talked about, as was discussed settlement of the conflict in the Donbas. In this regard, for the President it is very important to coordinate the position of the Donbas on the eve of his visit to the US. Merkel also go there — she was even invited, although not yet the exact date. And if trump will see that the position of Ukraine and Germany is one, then it will strengthen the negotiating line of Ukraine”, — said Fesenko.

The expert notes that the important question bezveza — this topic is just relevant on the eve of the informal summit of EU leaders which will take place on 3 February.

