How to achieve a healthy gut

The intestine is a very complex organ. Its length is several meters and it has its own nervous system. The work of all organs of the intestine help the sphincter-twitch muscles that move food through the departments, writes

The sphincters set the tone for the whole intestines. If a failure occurs in this work, the person may experience constipation, bloating, diarrhea, or any other abnormalities. Govern the activities of nerve endings, which receive instructions from the brain. Functional failures of the bowel can have different causes.

Reasons for poor bowel function

The main reason is a wrong diet. You need to give up fast ingestion of food, the habit to eat much and indiscriminately. Food is not time to prepare in the small intestine and into the colon, causing irritation. Weakness, dizziness, depression, pain — these are just a few symptoms of trouble in this body. For diagnosis the doctor should prescribe an x-ray or fibrocolonoscopy to exclude the possible presence of tumors, ulcers and polyps. Then you need to take the crop flora to rule out goiter. Perhaps the doctor will recommend an ultrasound or fibrogastroscopy.

If the cause of the disorder associated with the spine, the patient will have to go through the research associated with computer tomography. If the pain does not stop and the presence of blood and mucus, constant low temperature, it is possible colon cancer, which recently became very popular. Physician-gastroenterologist or proctologist need to explore the entire large intestine to properly diagnose.

What you need for a healthy bowel

To avoid all these problems with the intestines, you need to follow a few rules. Since sleep regulates the presence in the gut hormones responsible for feeling hunger, need to sleep a full eight hours. Morning fasting should drink a glass of boiled water in order to enable the bowels. It is necessary to have Breakfast in 15 minutes. In the diet most of the food should be from fruits and vegetables which contain fiber.

Not “swallow” the food and chew it thoroughly, it will provide the processing of food in the mouth.

If you don’t have time for a slow meal, select one that is quickly digested. It can be soups, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Don’t take meals immediately fruit drinks or juices that dilute gastric juices and interfere with digestion. Stress hormones also interfere with the proper digestion of food, so discard it if you are annoyed or upset. Try to take protein food warm. Cold foods do not stay in the stomach and into the small intestine when they are still ill-prepared. Of meat the bacteria in the intestine multiply rapidly, which can lead to bloating or constipation. Once a day be sure to take food that has live bacteria. It can be kefir, yogurt. Move more, use exercise for back and abdomen. These exercises increases intestinal peristalsis, and it is released faster.

