“Marriage” with ourselves: a logical consequence of individualism

Same-sex marriage was already not enough. In Western countries, there is a new fashion: Cologne. What is it? Neither more nor less than a marriage with himself. Such logical implications of a liberalism! This step is solved more and more people, and the topic of interest to marketers. When States recognize soligalichsky marriage? Is it only a matter of time?


Be the first to marry herself decided certain Linda Baker (Linda Baker) in 1993. Next was Sarah sharp (Sarah Sharp) that even started to describe this “event” in the literary work “Dress, engagement ring and wedding vows to yourself”. Following this absurd step 36-year-old resident of North Dakota, Swigert Nadine (Nadine Schweigert). She stated that her “marriage” is to hope for the love of a lifetime to own “an amazing person”. Cologne came to Europe. The wedding itself was played there, as told in the American journal First Things, Timothy George (Timothy George), a Dutch Jennifer Hoose (Jennifer Hoes).


What they say about colognei its proponents? As can be read on the website selfmarriageceremonies. com, the marriage itself contributes to personal development and the pursuit of happiness. It is “possible to make an announcement, translate the situation into the formal channel to share the love for myself, and sanctify it.” Of course, the only well-established rite for this ceremony does not exist. Everyone chooses. Those interested can even, by the act of marriage with himself, to stay in a relationship with another person. But just why is it needed? Supporters of colognei claim that their concept has nothing to do with narcissism. Is it really so?


Selfishness in its pure form


As suggested by Timothy George, quite the opposite. The growing popularity of colognei shows, in his opinion, the narcissism of contemporary culture that are pushing the social network. It’s not only about resources such as Facebook, Twitter or You Tube, but on the app LivesOn, which tends to retain consciousness even after death… marketing Professionals have already felt the opportunity to make money and started selling kits for those taking slogany marriage. There is everything from marriage certificates to text wedding vows and instructions on carrying out the ceremony.


A consequence of individualism


As suggested by John Horvath (Horvat John), writing for the CrisisMagazine.com the tendency to colognei is a natural consequence of modern individualism, which went far beyond the traditional individualism, or otherwise account for the constraints of traditions and customs. Postmodern individualism is based on the idea of the absolute autonomy of man. “People — says Horvath, say that they are the only architects of their own freedom and purpose, and the main purpose of life — the intoxicating race for their own interests.”

Postmodern individualism rejects the truth about the social nature of man, the need for religious, social, and dictated by tradition ties. He also refuses in any way to limit their desires. This idea was formulated by the U.S. Supreme court in its decision of 1992 “planned parenthood of Southeast Pennsylvania vs. Casey.” The verdict said: “the core of liberty is the right to independently formulate its own concept of life, the universe and the riddles of human existence”.


Cologne, says John Horvath is derived from the belief that to achieve happiness by other means is impossible. People believe that they can achieve fulfillment only through its own forces. “But happiness is just another illusion. A matter of time when people will face even more terrible tyranny: the tyranny of uncontrolled “I”,” — says Horvath.


What’s next?


While cologania not legalized no one, even the most progressive country. Yet. Who knows what will happen in five, ten, twenty years? If we accept the logic of non-discrimination, we must recognize a marriage literally everything. Same sex and polygamous or even’re in the bestiality unions. Nothing prevents, and to recognize cologania: because people seeking to enter into a marriage of this kind, too, “have the right to happiness”.


As noted by John horváth, such absurd phenomena as Cologne, stem from the rejection of the teachings of the Church, which calls marriage a fruitful Union of man and woman. We add that it is also the result of the denial of objective moral norms as such. However, one is inextricably linked to others. When man abandons the Creator, he becomes the prey egorikov and divorced from reality to fantasy.


