“Impulsivity Savchenko is not just annoying”, the MP struck a new barrage of criticism

The people’s Deputy of Ukraine Hope Savchenko, despite warnings of the SBU, on the eve has published a list of Ukrainians who are held captive by Kremlin militants in the Donbass.

According to the parliamentarian, the publication of the names of the hostages will stop speculation and help to release them.

However, in society many do not agree with Savchenko and believe that her actions will only exacerbate the situation with the exchange of prisoners. Social media users harshly criticized the MP for her next “trick”.

#Savchenko has published the lists of prisoners and missing persons in the zone #ATO
to help the fraudsters to extort money from desperate relatives

— SLAVYANSK (@Slavyansk_UA) 10 Jan 2017

Briefly about Nadia Savchenko after the vihod s full. pic.twitter.com/pFMrtBa8nZ

— Ministr Emprec (@MigrateUkraine) 10 Jan 2017

Dear Elon Musk, please speed up the colonization of Mars, because Ukraine wants to send to the red planet its Ambassador N. Savchenko.

Gray Cardinal (@slevo4kin) 10 Jan 2017

Gadya+Savchenko = Savchenko.

Yar Matyushin (@4uvandos) 10 Jan 2017

I never about what did not sorry how that stoked for her release https://t.co/nulIRvq5vb

— Edmond Dantes™ (@deMonte_Cristo) 10 Jan 2017

