The Pentagon is preparing a large-scale military US Navy

The Pentagon called for the adoption of a program to increase the Navy at a cost of 500 billion dollars, which in the case of approval will be the largest since the end of the cold war. This writes the British newspaper The Times.

USA today have 274 warships, which is much smaller compared to 594 ships that were in the U.S. Navy in 1987. The new plans include an increase to 355 vehicles.

New ships include the aircraft carrier, which needs to be built in Virginia, 16 of major surface warships and 18 submarines.

The document also notes the need for more amphibious ships, floating docks and support ships.

“All that will be less of these proposals would provide an unacceptable level of risk for our military weapons and personnel”, – is spoken in the report of the Pentagon.

The Navy estimated that the purchase of 47 new courts will cost 509 billion. for the next 30 years.

This figure includes “minimum essential” structure to fulfill the mission, under the Ministry of defense.

As you know, during his campaign President-elect Donald trump has announced plans to bring to 350 the number of ships of the Navy that will be part of a wider policy of “peace through strength”, which also provides an additional 60 thousand soldiers, more than 12 thousand Marines and at least another 100 combat aircraft.

So far, however, it is unclear whether trump to win the support of conservative Republicans in Congress, who are traditionally hard to agree on additional budget expenditures.

