The commander of the National guard said, what NATO is learning from the Ukraine

NATO countries take over the national guard of Ukraine experience in “hybrid war”. This was announced by commander of the National guard of Ukraine Lieutenant-General Yuri Alleron.

“We cooperate with the national guard or with structures with similar functions of NATO and, in fact, we don’t have a lot of differences, moreover, not only we – they, too, have to adopt our experience in the context of a hybrid war,” he said.

“With regard to NATO standards – they are designed to provide interoperability between the armed forces of NATO and partner countries. So, this year, guardsmen had the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the English language,” added Alleron.

According to him, the national guard, changes were made in the system of combat training of units, a fundamentally changed approach to the organization of individual training of personnel by introducing the instructors for combat training with special areas of firearms, tactics, military engineering, military-medical and topographical training.

“Established the instructor training Center for combat and special training in accordance with NATO standards. Today released 123 instructor and 96 – still continue their education”, – said the commander.

Recall state enterprise “ukroboronservis”, part of “Ukroboronprom” and the American company’s Aeroscraft has signed today, on 3 January, a Memorandum of cooperation providing for the production in Ukraine of small arms to NATO standards.

Reportedly, the first project will be the M16.

Also today, 3 January, the Austrian foreign Minister and acting head of the OSCE Sebastian Kurz visited the Donetsk region and saw firsthand the results of the shelling neighborhoods Mariupol.

