Credit card many Ukrainians associated with the ability to hold on to paycheck or immediately make a purchase, which at the moment do not have enough money. But at the present time, it is also an opportunity to save on purchases, which, if you pay cash or debit card, the discount/savings will be. In some cases, a credit card can attest to the solvency of its owner, for example when the latter travels abroad and no statements that money to stay quite.
“Today” has learned the advantages provides citizens with a credit card, how to use them, where to catch the bonuses and gifts without cost for the purse and how to increase the credit limit of their credit assistant.
In banks say that customers often ask for credit cards and actively using the credit limit. Previously, it was connected with the fact that many tried to hold on to salaries, but today marks the Ukrainians again take equipment and other expensive things on credit. Bankers say that, if you compare the 1st quarter of 2016 1st quarter of 2017, the number of cards increased approximately two times. And the number of customers who actively use the card and not stored in the bedside table “just in case”, is also growing. Thus, “Piraeus Bank” noted that every month the number of clients increases, and the cards use about 75-80% of the customers
However, many Ukrainians continue to open credit cards just “in reserve”, and not under the immediate purchase of such people are increasing, warn banks. “I opened the card a couple of years ago and did not enjoy it, — said Igor Melnik, and recently I have a broken fridge that by the summer the whole tragedy! The salary was already on the wane, and credit cards are very helpful. Also to refuel able on bonuses”.
In addition to its main advantages (ability to use money without additional costs on interest rates and commissions), credit cards today offer owners popular loyalty programs co-brand and cash back. They can be divided into a refund and the accumulation of bonuses for the purchase. Cash back is usually 2-5%, and bonuses depend on the amount spent.
“Credit card you can get Cash back up to 5%: 2% in supermarkets, 3% on gas stations, 5% of cafes and restaurants, — said acting on the development of retail business “Alfa Bank Ukraine” Alexey Poznyak. Also in the first month after you open the card, the customer gets double Cash back: 4, 6, and 10% spent, respectively. And if we talk about the bonus program, the client receives bonus points for any purchase, 20 bonus points for every 100 UAH. After he accumulates a bonus, they can spend on gifts according to the program — such as a discount at the gas station (2 UAH/1 l), a discount on purchases in stores or use your mobile connection”.
Deputy Director of Department of retail business development “credit Agricole Bank” Alexander Chalenko says that the accumulated points programme can be exchanged for a proposal of two directories: gifts (to recharge your mobile phone to the laptop) and travel (including tickets and booking hotels). And there are banks that are “return” the money to pay for the services.
“The raffle getaway for two among the clients, who in 2 months will make at least three transactions in the amount of 500 UAH and above, — said the head of payment cards Department of “Piraeus Bank” Alain Gorlushko. — And the money from the bonus account can be spent on free connection and servicing of Internet-banking, SMS-notification, etc.”
The card holders have the opportunity to make any purchase with credit cards in installments. This service uses the Ukrainians to be very popular, in particular programs instant installment.
“Instant installment applies not only to shopping in Ukraine but also abroad and international sites (often, this amount starts from 1 thousand UAH), — explain in a press-services of banks. — Installment is given for a period of 3 to 12 months, at the rate of 0.01% per year. When making a purchase the customer will receive a message with an offer of payment by installments. All he needs to do is podtverjdat consent via SMS, and the purchase amount will be split in equal payments for up to 12 months.” The Bank does not charge Commission for currency conversion. By the way, this kind of credit card in some cases may be the guarantee of solvency of the customer when travelling abroad, without additional evidence.
PIGGY. In addition, credit cards of individual banks help to multiply their money: on a positive balance on their own, and not credit funds, they charge interest. The average market rate on such balance is 5-10% per annum. “If you have a credit card of 10 thousand UAH, in a month, you get 83 UAH, — told the “Today” in the call center of “PrivatBank”. For 1 year you earn 1 thousand UAH, and if you leave earned, and more, as well as accrued interest accrued interest”.
THE FEE FOR COMFORT. For services such a wide range in some banks there is a charge. This may be a card issue (from 20 UAH), in some cases you will have to pay annual maintenance (from 200 UAH) fee and ATM cash withdrawal (0,5—1,5% of the total). Users mostly say they are ready to pay for comfort or what percentage of the remainder to fully compensate such expenses for maintenance.
Purchase. To buy a desired can be a loan even with foreign sites