News Thump (UK): Russian vaccine against coronavirus will experience on the doorknobs in Salisbury

Despite stringent testing of drugs, which lasted about eight weeks, the Russian leader, Putin takes a few unsuspecting Guinea pigs before a remedy can be, without risking anything, submit at home.

Already plans on sending in an excursion to Salisbury not to attract too much attention of former KGB agents, providing them with a perfume bottle which will be filled with the tested substance.

Based on the assumption that during the first wave of vaccinations through the door handle will not die so many people, and agents will distribute a substance with shops in Swindon and Gloucester.

The historic market town of Salisbury has attracted crowds of visitors from Russia in March 2018 its majestic architecture and a clock of the twelfth century — which everyone must see with their own eyes before the untimely death from carelessly discarded nerve gas.

Observers expect that the tests are successful and the results will form the basis of an inspiring documentary television series “bi-Bi-si” (BBC), in which the main role will play the guy from “Midsomer murders” (The Bill).

According to the Russian agent and part-time biochemist Sergei Williamsova:

“The vaccination program is a wonderful chance for Sergey to see of Salisbury, who became famous throughout Russia since the publication in the late 1980-ies the “Rough guide to Wiltshire” Magenta de Wine.

We just apply the medicine on the door handles while you’re shopping, and when I return and touch the face — oops — no you soaring temperature, the shitty feeling and the overload of National health system”.

He added: “This medicine is safer for the same nuclear reactor that killed 93 people, according to official figures, close to Chernobyl. Besides the fact that one is biological weapons, for another panacea”.

