Huanqiu shibao (China): people in my life can only eat 9 tons of food. The one who will eat them faster, and dies faster. The truth is that…

Some people like to eat much, believing that the more they eat, the less likely it is that they get sick. However, in the Internet appeared the expression: “the more you eat, the faster you die.” Also, do not stop rumors that everyone in my life can only eat 9 tons of food, and whoever eats this amount early and dies. Is this true or false? Cause harm to themselves those who love to eat? How to eat three times a day to be healthy?

Experiments on animals: food deprivation significantly increases life expectancy

Is there a connection between life expectancy and to always fill gorge? How should it be scientifically proven? Of course, in experiments on animals.

A recent animal study published by German scientists in the journal Nature Metabolism, a subsidiary publication of the journal Nature, showed that mice that have restricted food intake, lived longer than those who eat in unlimited quantity!

Moreover, the study also showed that the sooner a limitation, so it affects the body! The introduction of restrictions on food intake at an early age had a stronger inhibitory effect on the aging process in mice. The benefits of such restrictions of food consumption is mainly the result of caloric restriction, which suppresses the abnormal inflammatory response and metabolic changes associated with aging cells.

So how overeating affects health?

Faced with temptation in the form of various delicious dishes, people often can not resist and after eating often regret again overeaten! But even if you are worried about the impact of overeating on the aging process and life expectancy, it is still impossible to avoid various health problems. Overeating and the excess of the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest can cause a lot of problems with the digestive tract, such as stomach upset, stomach pain, bloating, and even serious gastrointestinal diseases, e.g., pancreatitis. In addition, due to excessive consumption of calories at the same time developing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

“His whole life can only eat 9 tons of food, and whoever eats this amount early and dies”

On the Internet write that “over a lifetime a person can only eat 9 tons of food, and whoever eats this amount early and dying.” Is there a scientific justification for this statement?

The cause of this assertion is the fact that some researchers believe that any intake of food causes certain harm to the human body. It accumulates throughout life, therefore they believe that over a lifetime a person can eat a limited amount of food.

In this case, if we reduce the volume of daily food consumption to one-third of our usual volume, whether will increase it’s lifespan three times? It is obvious that it is impossible, on the contrary, malnutrition and other problems negatively affect health and life expectancy. Therefore, this statement is absolutely meaningless!

In fact, the body type and metabolism is different for every person, and the amount of food that can each eat is also different, so do not say that people with a good appetite will die sooner. In fact, you should pay attention not to the total amount of food eaten, and proportionality.

From the point of view of health, each meal you should eat 70%.

In the process of eating, if you feel a little full, and the food does not seem so fragrant as at the beginning of the meal, and your speed of eating slowed down, this means you ate up to 70%! At this point you only need to do one thing — to put aside the Cutlery.

70% of the energy and nutritional value of food is sufficient for maintenance of daily activity, but if you continue to eat, that is the risk of excess energy and feelings of overeating!

Some may ask, why is it that when you eat barbecue or hot pot, and feel that I ate 70%, even if you put aside the sticks, after a while you still feel bloated? It is actually associated with the time of stomach digestion of various foods. It is different for different products: the first sugar to digest, followed by proteins, and fats are broken down for the longest time. Hot pot and barbecue contain a lot of fat and require long digestion, so feel a bit bereisa after these dishes is normal. For this reason, when you eat foods high in fat, it is necessary to reduce the amount of servings.

How to eat three times a day?

First of all, you must choose the right time for meals. Strictly speaking, the Breakfast should be at 7:00-8:00, lunch at 11:00-12:00 and the dinner 18:00-19:00. Only when a correct time for meals production and secretion of digestive juice and enzymes of the digestive system will be balanced and will be able to maintain a normal circadian rhythm. This not only helps digestion, but also favorably affects the absorption of nutrients.

Secondly, you must control the speed of eating food. Physiologically, in order to “understand” the body is hungry or not, he relies on the level of blood sugar and leptin levels. For example, in the fasted state the level of sugar in the blood decreases, the hypothalamus and the feeling of hunger, which causes a person to eat. After a meal the blood sugar rises, fat cells secrete leptin, and the hypothalamus there is a feeling of satiety that prevents the further absorption of food. However, if the speed is too high eating, satiety is not time to be perceived by the body as quickly as you eat, and the brain inevitably will give false signals. Your stomach will be really full, but your brain will still argue that he’s hungry! Chew slowly and allocate a reasonable time for the meal to avoid overeating.

And last: we need to distribute food for three meals. As the saying goes: “eat Breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, a dinner give the enemy”. She’s just about the problem of the distribution of the three meals, but this statement is not entirely true. Breakfast is the first meal after a long sleep, and this kind of “workout” for the digestive system, therefore the Breakfast should contain a small amount of food with high caloric and nutritional value, that is, you need to eat well! If you want to eat a little lunch or to eat your fill depends on the nature of your work and physical activity. As for dinner, there is a need to reduce appetite through a system 70% of naidunia, to reduce the load on the digestive system during sleep, but this does not mean that you should completely give up food.

