People’s daily (China): the output of who will accelerate the decline of the international status of the United States

The representative of the UN Secretary General reported that the US on 6 July announced its willingness to withdraw from the world health organization (who). This decision will come into force on 6 July 2021. US actions aimed at overcoming of the who at a time when the spread of the epidemic covid-19 in the United States and many other countries have not taken full control, once again demonstrated the selfishness of America first strategy (“America above all”). Compared with previous cases of U.S. withdrawal from international organizations and agreements, the termination of the membership who will most adversely affect the U.S. and the international community, and will accelerate the decline of their international status.

Who is the most authoritative organization in the field of international crisis response in public health, as well as the main provider of information in this area. The US, being currently the largest country, by its actions, the output from who significantly break the international order established after the Second world war, which will only increase the uncertainty in the world.

On 21 June 1948 the United States became one of the countries-participants of the contract “the Constitution of the world health Organization”. Since America is the largest sponsor of the organization. The U.S. contribution to who, no doubt, is great, however, the financing of international organizations, America does not apply to charity is the strategy of American diplomacy.

Time goes on and circumstances change. With the rise of newly industrialized countries and the relative decline of U.S. power new developing States with increasingly strong appeal require increasing their voting rights in existing international organizations, what has already reached significant results. The United States is gradually losing the absolute right of control over many international organizations, which may be the main reason why America out of international organizations and agreements. However, the dominance of States over international organizations, at its root, has violated basic rules of international relations and a tendency towards democratization. The increase of voting rights from newly industrialized and developing countries meets the basic requirement of international justice, which is a worldwide trend.

The US unilateral withdrawal from the main organization in the field of international health, the world currently requires cohesion, caused serious damage to the efforts of the international community in the fight against the pandemic, and also weakened the previously existing international influence of the United States.

Unfair and ill-considered actions of the US withdrawal from the who has been criticized as in inside the country and abroad.

Member of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress Eric Swalwell believes that the output from the who on the background of the most serious public health crisis is self-destruction, and victims of this reckless decision will be Americans.

The Chairman of the Committee of the U.S. house of representatives on foreign Affairs, Democratic party member Eliot Engel in April of this year openly said that “termination of funding” who denies US as global leaders. Chief editor of the famous medical journal Lancet, Richard Holden said bluntly that at the crucial moment, when countries are struggling with a dire humanitarian crisis, the US withdrawal from the who — it’s just “hooliganism”. The Minister of health of Germany Jens span believes that the actions of the US mean the failure of the international community’s efforts in the field of public health.

The fact remains that the attempt to turn international organizations into a tool for US hegemony will ultimately harm the common interests of Americans and the international community.

The face of the most serious public health crisis after the Second world war, the international community needs a well-functioning and effective mechanism of functioning of the world health organization. Due to the ongoing pandemic, one who keeps the who is the enemy of the international community, and those who break the unity of the world, is injurious to mankind.

