Three Ukrainian films that you want to watch

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Three Ukrainian films that you want to watch

Today, 13:30

Interesting facts about famous films

Darina Alekseeva

the editor of Billboard

New selections Today.Lifestyle – three excellent films, which became the feature length debut of talented Ukrainian filmmakers. We share interesting and unusual facts about each of the films that won the hearts of Ukrainians. If you for some reason missed those box office hits or want to review them again, all the films available for viewing online on the platform

Previously, we have named the TOP adventure films that will distract you for quarantine. Don’t miss the 5 strong Ukrainian films that are worth seeing.

  • For the Director of Nariman Aliyev film “Dodoma” was the feature debut, world premiered at the Cannes film festival.
  • The film “Dodoma” – the winner in the nominations “Best Director” and “Best actor” at the Ukrainian film award “Gold Jia”-2020, and also received the Grand Prix of the Odessa international film festival. In addition, the film received awards at international film festivals, in particular, at the film festival in Bucharest and the Bosphorus international film festival.
  • Previous work by Nariman Aliyev – short film “Without you” was nominated for a Crystal bear at the Berlin international film festival.
  • In addition to track record of awards, it is worth noting that the plot of the film can touch the heart of every viewer, as it appeals to main human values – relationship of parents and children and awareness of their origins and home.
  • The main role in the film played by Crimean Tatar actor and Director Ahtem Seytablaev (the”foreign prayer”, “CBarge. Heroes not vmirayut”). Creative acting tandem to Akhtem made the young actor Ramsey Bilyalov.
  • In the words of Akhtem Seitablaev, the screenplay reminded him of his relationship with the father.

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“My thoughts quiet” trailer

  • Comedy-drama, won the hearts of hundreds of Ukrainian viewers to the beginning of 2020, was recognized as the best film film award “Gold Jia”-2020.
  • For the first time the film was shown at the prestigious international film festival in Karlovy vary in 2019, and he received the special prize of the jury.
  • The film “Moï pillows tih” – balances between the festival and popular films, showing how the author’s cinema can be a spectator.
  • Work on the script of the film “Moï pillows TIC” lasted two years, and the plot went to the real story of life.
  • Originally the film was called “one hand clapping”, but because of the difficulties of translation into the Ukrainian language the Director has found an alternative that is very liked by the audience.
  • At Odessa international film festival the film was awarded the audience award, the award for best actor (Irma Vitovskaya) and the FIPRESCI prize for best Ukrainian film.
  • The film is recommended to viewing with their mothers.

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  • The film is based on the novel Sofia Andrukhovych “Felix Austria”, which received recognition both in Ukraine and abroad. The novel was translated into German, Hungarian, Croatian, Czech, and French.
  • In the German edition of “Felix Austria” was the name of Der Papierjung (Paper boy).
  • Shooting almost all the interior scenes were on the Studio Film.UA where they built the decoration of a large estate, which is home to the main characters of the story.
  • In the historic village of Nilovich in the Kiev region was re-established a city of Ivano-Frankivsk as it was in the early 20th century.
  • The film was also played by the prima ballerina and honored artist of Ukraine Kateryna Kuhar.
  • The main roles were chosen gorgeous young actors: the Polish actress Marianne Yanushevich the role Stefy orphan that was adopted by the German Professor Dr. Unger, star of TV series “School” Ales Romanova in the role of the daughter of a Professor and well-known Ukrainian actor Roman Lutsky, who played in the movie “Storozheva Zastava”.
  • The film “Vadana” – feature debut of Director Christina Sivolap.
  • Short Comedy film Christina Sivolap “Let’s not today” won in the competition of short films at the international film festival of Trieste in Italy.
  • In the film, the soundtracks of famous Ukrainian artists “Choven” group “One in a canoe” and “Vilna” Tina Karol and Julia Sanina (the author of the words of the song Alyona Alyona).

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