Establish the life of the monitor: simple exercises that will make life easier for office workers

Rarely what job today does not involve a vigil at the computer, and some jobs require the presence at a computer eight hours or more in a row. The result — blurred vision, aching back and even cramps in the legs due to prolonged sitting. So let us not wait for ailments, and will act on their pre-emption, but if the discomfort is already there — to zoom out. Especially as some exercises for improving health can be done right in the workplace. As it is told by our experts: Irina Bartosh, neurologist, co-author of methods of treatment of autonomic disorders, Tatyana Grechka, surgeon, phlebologist medical center, “Academy of health”, and Natalia Aleeva, ophthalmologist of the highest category of the Kiev center of eye microsurgery.

  • The spine will save the “snail” and the broth

The effects of stress on the entire spine — disorders in the autonomic nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Every two hours go to the bathroom, tilting his head forward, scrutinies, like a snail. Knees don’t bend! At the end of the exercise, the brow should lie at least at the navel (lower is better). Twisting, moving in a position where the ache for a few seconds.

To maintain the health of the vertebrae include in the daily menu of meat broth.

  • Eyes: eat the pumpkin and start “shooting”

Eye when scrutinizing a monitor are absolutely nefiziologichnoe mode: only at close distances, resulting in myopia.
Every 45-50 minutes 1-2 minutes peering into the furthest point outside the window. And then “shoot” through the eyes of the various objects in the office.
Daily eat pumpkin, liver and/or carrots.

  • Spine – the “snail” and the broth

The effects of stress on the entire spine – disorders in the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Every two hours go out to the toilet, and his head tilted forward, scrutinies, like a snail. Knees should not bend. At the end of the exercise, the brow should lie at least at the navel (lower is better). Twisting, moving in a position where the ache for a few seconds.


  • Yoga and meditation improve brain function – scientists

To maintain the health of the vertebrae include in the daily menu of meat broth.

  • The brush will help to “combine” and eggs

Regular the wrong position of the brush is fraught with inflammation of the joints or surgery because of a pinched nerve in the wrist. Every 45 minutes — hour at the computer, Flex your elbows and rotate them for 3-5 minutes, like the blades of a combine forwards and backwards. RUB the hands from elbow to wrist and swirl brushes. To help the hands inside eat in a day on the egg.

  • For a crab and garlic

Regular swelling of the feet, caused by constant sitting can cause varicose veins and leg cramps. Every hour walk up the stairs like a crab — sideways (left then right), cross-moving feet on the stairs. Also easy on the garlic and fruits, berries and vegetables of red and orange shades.

  • Lower back the desired “pendulum” and kefir

Pose “SIC” is lumbar degenerative disc disease and disorders in the urogenital system. Throughout the day, bending at the elbows, dynamic swing, lowering left elbow to the left thigh, and chin to the left shoulder. Then, on the same principle — the right. Daily and drink kefir.

  • Neck: not without “Apple” and aspic

To forestall the deterioration of concentration, memory and headaches, rotate head in a circle, but without zaprokidyvaya it back: the movement should resemble a rolling Apple on the plate. And at least once a week, switch to jelly.

  • For breast good “harmony” and cheese

Tension in the levator scapulae in the future is a thoracic osteochondrosis and all the same headaches. Alternately with the amplitude, like playing the accordion, 2-3 minutes bring the shoulders back and forth. And the vertebrae will energize the cheese.

  • Proactive posture: “schoolboy”

To avoid health problems — sit, as taught in the first grade. The torso and hip, thigh and lower leg should form between them a right angle. In the floor must stretch the foot (not toes or heels): it is the distance from floor to seat of chair may not exceed 53 cm Tilt of the head from the back of a chair (which should be solid) — just 20 cm For the distance from eye to monitor — not shorter than 50 cm, the Brushes must be on the table and his hands while working on the keyboard it is necessary to bend at the elbow at a 90 degree angle. For this table height about 70 cm.

