Some women face early menopause: doctors determined

Some women start the menopause can be very early, in particular, premature to 9 years, according

Doctors from the University of Pennsylvania, summarizing 14 years of observing women, found that smokers may be too early to begin menopause.

“Many women belonging to the Caucasian race, has a specific gene mutation that makes special effects on the body products of burning tobacco. For smokers, menopause can begin at 9 years earlier than non-Smoking women,” reported the study authors.

Experts have observed in 400 women, which were the beginning of the project at the age from 35 to 47 years old. They found that in non-smokers and smokers differed in the time of menopause. In particular, those who smoked started menopause at an average of nearly 14 (13,91) years after the start of the study. Those who smoked less than 10 cigarettes a day – a little more than 11 years. Those who smoked a pack of cigarettes after 5 years.

Earlier, we wrote, in which food contains the female hormone of youth.

