Education reform: the Parliament explained the important nuances of the law

Bill No. 3491-d “On education”, which was accumulating for two years, will allow to create in Ukraine a new, modern education. This was told first Deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on education and science Alexander Spivakovsky.

According to him, the Committee of Parliament on science and education have done everything in order to hear all the experts and create the conditions for a “totally transparent, honest, competitive discussion”.

“Most of the issues arising in the 12-year-old learning language, vocational education, technical and funding issues,” – said Deputy head of the relevant Committee.


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Spivakovsky noted that, thanks to the joint work of the Minister of education, MPs and experts will be a document that considers 1098 amendment – “that is 70% of what was offered, we have taken into account”.

“This is a big step in the development of the education system,” said Spivakovsky.

Deputy head of the Committee stressed that the 12-year education starts from 6 years: “the Myth that children will finish school at the age of 19, not true”.


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“We also decided that our teacher needs 5 years to reach basic wages for the lowest category of educational workers. It is 4 living wages – 6500 UAH. We motivate young people to go to study teacher training”, – said Spivakovsky.

According to him, the bill would allow ten years to build a modern school, which will ensure the diversification of the ideology of the new Ukrainian schools and the ideology of the author’s schools, “to the teacher himself had the opportunity to choose.”

