The juice diet: drink, lose weight, purify the body

Juice detox diet usually involves the consumption of fruit and vegetable juices throughout the day. It is important to remember – and this will tell you about any dietician, you should not be on a juice fast more than five days, according to

  • The juice diet: from a package or fresh

The juice diet can be used not only for high-quality cleansing the body of toxins, but to increase metabolism in preparation for a long-term diet program. When you are on a juice fast, you completely eliminate any food from your diet, replacing them with juice. To do this, whenever possible, choose juices that are prepared fresh. During fasting you will need to drink plenty of water. The main purpose of the juice detox diet to help the body rid itself of harmful toxins.


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Discussing juice diets, nutritionists recommend to consume about 250-300 grams of juice for each of the three basic techniques. Due to the large consumption of liquid during drinking diet you will be quite regularly to use the toilet, and is also part of the process of expulsion of harmful toxins. In the intervals between the basic receptions of juice, drink water. The water should be clean and not cold – room temperature.

Try as much as possible to drink fresh juices. Many juices that are sold in packages that contain a lot of preservatives and unhealthy sugars. Healthy foods to juice diet is oranges, grapefruits, grapes. If you want to drink vegetable juice, try cucumber, celery, and garlic. You can also try vegetable soups made of tomatoes, green pepper and cabbage.

  • What about the nutritional value of this diet

Some fruits and vegetables, when transformed into juice, is able to offer the body numerous health benefits. Apples provide vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium and calcium. Apricots provide the same three vitamins as well as vitamin K and phosphorus. Beets are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin C. by the Way, they can change the color of your stool and urine – do not panic. Broccoli contains potassium, vitamin B1 and calcium.

Remember, however, about safety precautions. Being on a juice fast, you will almost certainly you can experience lack of energy. If you have any serious health problems or you are suffering from malnutrition, the juice diet is not for you. Before starting a diet, please consult your physician.

