Putin catch fish and spends his summer vacation in Siberia. Why not?

A few days ago the channel Russia today posted a video in which the President of Russia Vladimir Putin catches a fish among the forests and lakes during the annual summer vacation in a remote region of Siberia, in the northernmost part of the country.

In this video there are a few notable for the Arab observer moments that are hard to ignore.

First, is that the Russian President is in great shape and not overweight, despite the fact that soon he will be 65 years.

Second, Putin engaged in their favorite pastime — fishing — in normal circumstances, not on a luxury yacht surrounded by an army of servants, guards and beautiful models in swimsuits.

Thirdly, the Russian leader wants to spend a vacation in the country instead of fly to the South of France, Northern Italy or the Caribbean sea, as does most of the Arab presidents, kings and princes.

Our main goal is not to praise the President, and to criticize many Arab leaders and officials who each year compete with each other, showing off the luxury yacht on the Mediterranean sea and spending fabulous sums of money, while most of their citizens suffer from poverty and deprivation due to the prohibitive prices and lack of employment opportunities.

Of course, we don’t argue with the fact that the publication of videos from the summer home of the President of Russia is part of the clever political propaganda, the aim of which is to improve their image in the eyes of the countrymen, especially when you consider that the presidential elections in Russia is close. Nevertheless, the Russian information campaign based on the achievements of the country and not on lies and fraud.

In just a few years Russian President Vladimir Putin was able to restore the prestige of his country and return it to the status of superpower after the unprecedented decline that prevailed in the last days of the Soviet Union against the background of the tyranny of the mafia and corruption in all government bodies.

When ruled by Arab leaders such as Gamal Abdel Nasser, Houari Boumediene, Saddam Hussein, Abdul Karim Qassem and Hafez al-Assad, who spent a holiday in their country and died, leaving behind luxurious palaces and yachts, the Arab nation was in a much better position.

Some will respond to us that they were tyrants and dictators, and this is the truth, but they created the modern state, expelled colonialism and foreign military bases, not building up foreign debt of countries and forbidden to cooperate with the IMF.

Our present rulers combine and dictatorship and corruption, that’s the difference, in our opinion.

Some of the comments to the article:

Majid / Jordan, 11.08, 10:33:27: Putin deserves to say about him “man of iron”. The greatness of Russia corresponds to the greatness of Putin. Just look at his stern face! He deserves respect, enough that he did not travels everywhere with his wife, making official visits, although he is not an Arab and is a modern man

Ghazi ar-Radadi, 11.08, 05:14:34: Putin actually is fluent with the sword, and can help those who he does not know.

Al-Bair al-Ahbal, 11.08, 04:18:27: Putin can’t dance with a sword, but, of course, well owns it, and those who dance with the sword, do not know its value.

Ibn Walid, 10.08, 21:47:28: President Putin speaks to the world: “Global leadership in my hands.” America will be a victim of Putin is our destiny to take what is given to us Putin? Free vodka, but only with the American fish!

Taboukar, 10.08, 19:30:16: Putin’s Message may be addressed to those who have imposed against Russia economic sanctions. The fish caught Putin, you can see the outline of the trump!


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— Daily Cartoons (@DaylieKartunes) 5 Aug 2017

Mazroui, 10.08, 13:39:24: Putin is not engaged in charity, but gives away free positions, weapons and soldiers, trump and Obama also didn’t build the orphanages, which we were fed, because they do not see that we are orphans. It is important that Putin in the East and Central in the West understand that divide us and any dispute between them relate not to the fact that some are in favor and against, and the one who first we are taken.

Ahmed, 10.08, 11:58:20: it is Strange that Putin’s summer vacation lasts only two days, while the Arab leaders are working only two months a year, and during this period of time to cause damage for an entire decade. I hope they all go on vacation and will not return, and destruction will cease at least for a year, day, month or even for a moment. Arab leaders are weapons of mass destruction for their countries. To crush them!

Nazim, 10.08, 10:44:16: Dear Abdel Bari Atwan (editor-in-chief Ar Rai Al Youm — approx. ed.), Siberia located in the North-East of the Russian Federation, not in the most Northern part of Russia, as mentioned at the beginning of your article.

Ar-Rumi, 10.08, 08:53:50: Singing, drawing, sports, fishing, all contributed to a clarity of mind and thoughtful planning, good clarity, and effective planning, by which the President of Russia Putin controls the world, based on their vision. He draws a new map of the world on their beautiful paintings.

Musa Musa, 09.08, 21:36:48: with regard to the hero of Russia, President Vladimir Putin, he scuttled plans to overthrow the regime and establish the rule of Zionist imperialism in the region. The mind of this man is reflected in the fact that he was able to send troops to Syria on a legal basis, but also engaged armed groups of the Syrian opposition, which wanted to sell oil in exchange for dollars. Thus, were able to save Syria from the separation and the distribution in it of corruption and underdevelopment. Russia, Iran and Hezbollah could upset your plans, and your billions have been wasted, this explains your attacks against the Arab leaders and Putin.

Oman, 09.08, 20:07:38: Greetings, Professor Abdel-Bari, thank you, that touched on this subject. Yes, the Russian leader goes to a normal car, not a yacht, as kings and princes who do not even know the language of the Quran. They have nothing in common.

Al-Bair al-Ahbal, 9.08, 19:56:48: Although Putin over sixty, he’s athletic, strong body, and that the Arab leaders could not compare with him, he plays sports, and they play cards. He’s resting in the country, while our leaders spend summer vacations on the Riviera, and the winter — on the slopes of the Swiss Alps. Putin claims that he doesn’t drink alcohol for religious reasons, but our leaders say that religious and at the same time drink the most expensive wines. One of them even said drinking more wine than there is oil in his country. Putin on vacation is fishing on a lake in his country, and for our rulers, if they want fish, the easiest way is to bring the best seafood on a private plane from abroad, among them, of course, caviar, which is an integral part of their food.

Ghalban, 09.08, 19:53:18: Putin inherited the presidency from his father, he was elected by the Russian people, while our rulers come to power, either by succession or as a result of a conspiracy or through fake elections. They are the masters of everything in their countries.

