“Decoloniality camp” closed again for the white

Imagine that in France there is a representation of Ku Klux Klan, which decides to settle in the country, a summer camp exclusively for some whites, calling them victims antiagregatsionnogo country that is unable to guarantee the superiority of the European race. Everyone around started yelling about racism, fascism, a return to the worst hours in our history. And they’d be right. In the name of Republican and universalist ideals we would be brought against this hideous ideology that puts people depending on the amount of melanin in their skin, and reminded that the desire for racial purity led to crimes against humanity.

But if this racist madness comes from black or magrebine, rejection of others based on skin color is perceived by communitarists ultra & not as a sign of racism, but as a way of expressing ethnic community. So, in the territory of our country for the second year in a row is an event that until recently not even imagine could neither avid racist. We are talking about a summer political camp, where in the name of anti-racism people are chosen by the color of their skin, and the absence of mixing is a mandatory principle, held from 12 to 17 August “decoloniality camp” reserved for victims of “state racism” and officially closed to white.

For these people, avoiding white plays a vital role in their initiative: their skin color is a sign of dominance. Mixed pairs are also excluded. Just look at the article “the Metis and the white power”, which recently appeared on the website of the Party of the indigenous inhabitants of the Republic: “Intimate relations, the body, identity — all this could not escape the violence of racial social relations. “A mixed marriage” and its product, “Metis”, are the theatre of this violence.”

This view of the world and relations between people leads only to a dead end. There are only two possible positions: identification and denial. Skin color becomes the only legitimate sign accessories. The representative of the Party of the indigenous inhabitants of the Republic huria Bouteldja clearly indicates this in his book “the White Jews, and we,” which in the title declares its racist position: “I belong to my family, clan, neighborhood, race, Algeria and Islam”. “I” disappears, the person no longer remains a mere communitarists “we”.

The organization is a political test

This camp allowed even ten children. Devotion and hatred udivlyayutsya from a young age.

Anyway, note that the most popular camp does not enjoy: it can take not more than 210 people, and, judging by published on the website of insistent calls to spread information about it, the shortage of places is not observed. Seriously, though the site is full of political articles and interviews with so tongue-tied syllables that begin to involuntarily roll your eyes, the filling of the camp is not a word. There are classes? What kind of teachers? What associations will participate? The initiative is so undervalued that nobody wants to contact her?

As for the application form of participation, it resembles the fruit of the works of psychoanalysts: it is a paranoid form, which is designed to establish if the applicant is compatible with their views on the state of racism. Financial difficulties can be traced for appeals to make a donation, talk about issues, draw attention to the event. Regarding the budget, we do not see any data on the rental of premises and equipment, insurance and security. About its veracity is doubtful. The funny thing is the failure to specify an address “for security reasons”. These activists to the atmosphere, although in reality they face is that universal mockery or refusal of the owner from the rent if he would understand the racist nature of the event. And nothing more. Thus, we see a very vague proposal without proper information on accommodation and security, with the radical statements and artificial budget… it was a joke.

Anyway, despite all the gaps in institutional terms, the impact of this ideology on the weak and unstable minds entails the strongest personal suffering and collective and political failures. Especially if the same path will be more effective organization. The only value decolonising camp in that it serves as a kind of political test: it is important to ensure that even after the change of government connivance in respect of words and deeds is not going anywhere, and the press and the elite will continue to remain silent.

The return of openly racist rhetoric, the reduction of identity to racial roots, the rejection of unity in favor of racial separatism, ierarhizare of rights based on race, sex, faith, and relationship to Islam around this verbal and intellectual nonsense revolves a large part of the Islamic-leftist currents: from a group of “Mwasi” to “up To no face control”, the Party of the indigenous inhabitants of the Republic to the fans Alain Gresh and Tariq Ramadan, from the “Marches of dignity” to group “Lalla” and of the Collective against Islamophobia in France. The ideology of these groups and leaders is characterized by an aggressive rejection of humanism, equality of people based on their shared human nature.

Playing with fire

For these racists, who call themselves fighters against racism, skin color becomes the only absolute characteristic understanding of human relations. And those are implemented only on the basis of force. For these activists the only meaningful question is dominance. If you do not dominate themselves over you dominated by someone else. From the wealth and complexity of social relationships does not leave any traces. Mind and benevolence give way to violence and racial hatred. Such spiritual and intellectual mediocrity is a poison that limits a person in the name of the community and carries infantilism. Perspective on the integration is reduced to the search for the culprit for the collective and personal failures, the accusations against him and hate him, or even the desire to get even with him in the hope to inflate the immature ego, hastily christened “honor”. To poison the youth that dooms her to failure of ideological poison, so to undermine her future, instilling the idea that the future of it in principle, no. Finding your place in society is a betrayal of the community, adoption of common regulations is considered as the subordination of the white oppressors. In the midst of so much conflicting call personality is unable to form, and the only possibility for self-determination became her communitarists regression. But for this she needs to abandon its own existence.

As a result, these playing with fire activists become destroyers of freedom, emancipation and diversity for young people who deserve better than to be cannon fodder of radicalization of social and human relations.

