Will you continue the novel, trump and Putin?

Last week, the Senate and the house of representatives has approved tough new sanctions against Russia for its aggression in Ukraine and its cyberwealth in the presidential elections of 2016. Legislators included measures to prevent a possible violation of the law by President trump.

Trump signed the bill on 2 August, without hiding his dissatisfaction. Here he immediately made the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who decided to provoke the hot-tempered tramp with his beloved media, writing on Twitter that the Congress “humiliated” him. It was the perfect way to flatter the future dictator Trump: “That would be you, you have complete control over America, as Vladimir Putin over Russia!”

Medvedev’s comments echoed the comments of trump and the presidential support group on Fox News. This choir is trump as a hostage of Congress and of various “internal enemies”, making it difficult for him to return to America (and Russia) to its former glory. But between the lines one can read quite clearly the authoritarian message: if the leader had total control over the country, her and her people it was better.

Phrase Medvedev, as published in English and in Russian, I interpret as a mafia warning from Putin Consigliere is “severed horse head” in 140 characters in the President’s bed, resembling the Tramp of his obligations, whatever they may be. Trump, naturally, responded. 24 hours later, he repeated his theses on “the defamation of Russia” at the meeting in West Virginia.

Putin’s reaction to sanctions — expulsion 755 employees of the us diplomatic mission from Russia is what trump didn’t mention, and what he still needs to pay attention to. This is a huge number, this includes many of the Russian Embassy staff, not just the American diplomats and staff (don’t forget: President Barack Obama has sent a total of 35 Russian diplomats, when choosing a response to Moscow’s intervention in December 2016). The first notable result of these measures will be tough restrictions in obtaining visas to Russians in the United States. As usual, Putin, in his first sanctions punishing the Russians.

When the “Magnitsky act” has limited the ability of human rights abusers in Russia, Putin banned the adoption of Russian orphans by American families. When Obama finally imposed on Russia sanctions in connection with Putin’s invasion in Ukraine in 2014 and the annexation of Crimea, Putin responded by banning many types of imported food. His officials even made a show of destroying large stockpiles of products in a country where millions of people are struggling to earn their bread. As they say in one Russian anecdote: “If America will bomb Syria, then the Russian response will be to bomb Voronezh!”

It seems strange that the leader himself creates difficulties for its people, especially when Russia after 17 and a half years of Putin’s kleptocracy and nearly three years of low oil prices approached collapse. But Putin do not care about the well-being of Russian citizens, and always has been. But still he needs to look for an excuse to explain why everything is so bad despite all the years he was in power, with no competition. His method is the creation of enemies and the stronger they are, the better to create the rhetoric that Russia is waging war, and war needs victims and, of course, full loyalty to the great leader who struggles defending the homeland.

Some supporters of cooperation with Moscow argue that sanctions against Putin is only playing into his hands. However, it is a myth. No appeasement will not make Putin an ally of the free world, if only the free world will remain so. Putin will not stop until stopped, and that will not happen until it clicks will not see in it an obstacle to their own enrichment and power, rather than a resource. Sanctions dealing a blow to the investment of a gang of Putin abroad is a great way to achieve this goal.

It is important to understand that Putin spit, win the trump in his battles with Congress and the courts. Putin wants trump continued to sow chaos and confusion in the only nation on Earth that could single-handedly paralyze its power in Russia. This explains why the Kremlin trolls try so hard to support the campaign of the extreme right against the most capable man in the White house, the national security adviser G. R. McMaster (H. R. McMaster).


McMaster had no illusions about what kind of threat is Putin, and Putin knows that it is much easier to manipulate people who care about themselves and not about the welfare of the country. Time to end the romance Putin and trump has not yet come. Trump still is the best ability of the Kremlin to create confusion in Washington and undermine the credibility of America abroad. Trump is still not able to criticize Putin’s ego does not allow him to admit that his election victory was due to hacker attack of hostile foreign powers. Trump and Putin might have different topics on the agenda, but they are really moving towards the same goal — to invest in hands trump all the power you can muster.


