What to do in case of an accident with “machine-aliens”: the advice of a lawyer

According to judicial practice, it does not matter, what numbers got in an accident. The presence of foreign numbers on the machines in no way affect the consideration of the case, writes sud.ua.

If the owner of a car with a “foreign registration” does not provide the necessary information about yourself for further proceedings or fled after the accident, the driver needs to apply to the customs authorities: they know about all the cars that crossed the border.


  • What innovations will drivers: the speed limit of 50 km/h and the regular replacement of tyres

According to the General instructions in the event of a traffic accident should call the patrol police, who upon arrival will make the Protocol and the scheme of road accident. This Protocol sets out the information about all the participants of the accident (the guilty and the victims). Further, the court decides whom to bring to administrative or other liability.

