President Donald trump spoke on Thursday in the Polish capital Warsaw while on his second international trip as President. This is his full performance with participation of the first lady Melania trump. Text provided by the White house.
Ms. trump: Hello, Poland! Thank you very much. My husband really likes to be in your beautiful country. I want to thank the President of the Dudu and Ms. Dudu for the warm welcome and generous hospitality. Today I had the opportunity to visit the science Center “Copernicus”, and I realized that this Museum is not only a source of information, it also makes you think. His mission is to inspire people, to inspire their desire to observe, to experiment, to ask questions and seek answers to them.
I think the best purpose for such a wonderful science center and can not be. Thank you to everyone who participated in the organization of our trips — especially children, through which she passed just fine.
As many of you know, the main purpose of my husband as President is the safety and security of the American people. I think we all agree, people should be able to live without fear — in whatever country they may live. And I wish that all of us living on the planet. (Applause).
Thank you again for this wonderful reception in your particular country. We will always remember your kindness and hospitality. (Applause).
And now I have the honor to introduce you to my husband, the President of the United States Donald trump. (Applause).
President trump: thank you very much. Very nice. The United States has a lot of great diplomats, but for our country, truly there is no better Ambassador than our lovely first lady, Melania. Thank You, Melania. Very nice (applause).
We came to your country to give you a very important message: America loves Poland, and America loves Polish people. (Applause). Thank you.
The poles largely enriched, made better not only this region, the Americans of Polish descent have also contributed to the prosperity of the United States. And I’m really proud that they have supported me in the election in 2016 (applause).
A great honor for me to be here in this city, stand near the monument to the Warsaw uprising and to speak to the people of Poland. This Poland, which was the dream of many generations — a safe, strong and free (applause).
President Duda and your wonderful first lady, Agatha welcomed us with great warmth, cordiality and kindness with which Poland is famous for worldwide. Thank you (applause). Express to them both my sincere… Yes, really sincere thanks. And special thanks to Prime Minister Mrs. Szydlo (applause).
We are also pleased that we are joined today and former President Lech Walesa, a very famous leader of the movement “Solidarity” (applause). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Let me also on behalf of all Americans to thank the Polish people for the generosity and compassion you have demonstrated, taking our soldiers in their country. These soldiers are not only brave defenders of freedom, they also are a symbol of America’s readiness to meet its obligations and to be on guard for your safety and to defend your position in a strong and democratic Europe.
We are proud to be here on stage with us are close to the American, Polish, British and Romanian soldiers. Thank you (applause). Thank you. Great job.
President Duda just returned from an incredibly successful meeting with the leaders participating in “the initiative of the three seas”. America is committed to the extension of our partnership with you, the citizens of the countries of this large region. We welcome the establishment of closer economic ties the growth of your economies. And we are ready to provide you with access to alternative sources of energy, so that Poland and its neighbors will no longer be held hostage to a single supplier of energy resources (applause).
Mr. President, I congratulate you and the President of Croatia with the fact that you led this historic “the initiative of the three seas”. Thank you (applause).
This is my first visit to Central Europe as President, and I am very glad to have the opportunity the visit this great, beautiful country. She’s beautiful (applause). Poland is located in the geographical center of Europe, but more importantly, in the Polish people we see the soul of Europe. Your people are great, because you have a greatness of spirit that you are strong in spirit (applause).
For two centuries Poland was subject to persistent and violent attacks. Despite the fact that Poland could seize and occupy, and even to take its border, it could never be erased from history and from his heart. In those hard times you’ve lost your land, but you never lost your pride (applause).
So I can today with sincere admiration to say that everywhere from the smallest villages to the temples and area of your beautiful cities — Poland live, Poland flourishing, and Poland conquers and triumphs (applause).
Despite all attempts to remake you, to subdue and to enslave or destroy you, you survived and overcame it. You — proud country of Copernicus, you just think… (applause), Chopin, Saint John Paul II. Poland is a country of great heroes (applause). And you — the people who know the true value of what you protect.
Triumph of the Polish spirit over centuries of adversity and hardship gives us all hope for a future where good triumphs over evil, and peace triumphs over war.
For the Americans since the formation of our country, Poland was a symbol of hope. Polish heroes and American patriots fought shoulder to shoulder in the war for independence and the many wars that were then. Our soldiers are still serving together in Afghanistan and Iraq, fighting with the enemies of all civilization.
America for its part, never back down, do not forget that freedom and independence is the right and destiny of the Polish people. And we will never forget (applause).
Between our countries there is a special bond, formed and strengthened due to the unique history and national character of each. It is a brotherhood that exists only between people who fought, bled and died for freedom (applause).
Signs of this friendship marked the capital of our country. A few steps from the White house we have established monuments to people with names like Pulaski and Kosciuszko (applause). Similarly, in Warsaw there is a street named in honor of George Washington, and stands a monument to one of the world’s greatest heroes — Ronald Reagan (applause).
So I am here today not just to visit the country as a long-time ally, but in order to put her as an example to others who seek freedom and wish to have the courage and will to defend our civilization (applause). The history of Poland is a history of people who never lost hope, never gave up, never lost her spirit and who never forgot who he was (applause).
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President Trump: Thank You. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. For me a great honor. It is the state, which is over a thousand years. For over a hundred years, your boundaries do not exist, they were wiped out, and only a hundred years ago they were restored.
In 1920, during the battle of Warsaw, known as the “Miracle on the Vistula”, Poland stopped the Soviet army who sought to conquer Europe (applause). Then, 19 years later, in 1939, on your country attacked again — this time Nazi Germany from the West and the USSR from the East. This is a problem. It’s hard.
In terms of dual occupation, the Polish people have endured agony beyond description: a bloody massacre in the Katyn forest, the seizure of territory, the Holocaust, the Warsaw ghetto and the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, the destruction of this beautiful city and the death of almost every fifth pole. Active Jewish population — the largest in Europe — almost completely disappeared due to the fact that in the years of the occupation, the Nazis systematically murdered millions of Polish Jews, along with countless other people.
In the summer of 1944 the Nazi and Soviet troops were preparing for a terrible and bloody battle right here in Warsaw. In this “hell on earth” Polish citizens came to the defense of their homeland. A great honor for me to stand today at this stage with veterans and heroes of the Warsaw uprising (applause).
(Audience chanting)
President trump: What greatness of spirit. We salute your noble sacrifice and promise to always remember your fight for Poland and for freedom. Thank you. Thank you (applause).
This monument reminds us that in this desperate struggle for liberation from oppression has killed more than 150 thousand poles.
And on the other side of the river, the Soviet troops stopped and waited. They watched as the Nazis mercilessly destroyed the town, killing men, women and children. They tried to destroy this nation forever, breaking their will to live.
But deep Polish of character there is courage and strength that no one could break. This is well said, the Polish Martyr, Bishop Michal Kozal: “Much worse military defeat — the fall of the human spirit”.
For forty years the Communist authorities of Poland and other oppressed Nations of Europe experienced a brutal campaign aimed at the destruction of freedom, your faith, your laws, your history, your identity is in fact the very essence of your culture and your characteristics. But despite all this you never lost the power of his spirit (applause). Your oppressors who tried to break you, but Poland it is impossible to break (applause).
And when came the second of June 1979, and a million poles gathered in the area of Victory square on his first mass, which was led by their Polish Pope. That day all the Communists in Warsaw, must have realized that their repressive system will collapse soon (applause).
They must have realized this at the exact moment during the sermon of Pope John Paul II, when million-strong crowd of Polish men, women and children suddenly in unison and offered a single prayer. These poles are not asked for riches. They didn’t ask for privileges. Instead, one million poles sang three simple words: “We need God” (applause).
In these words the poles thought about the promise of a better future. They again gained the courage to confront their oppressors. And they found words to declare that Poland will again be a Poland.
Today, as I stand here in front of this amazing crowd, before these faithful people, we can still hear the voices that are heard echoing through the years. Today, their message is as relevant as ever. The people of Poland, the American people and the people of Europe still shouting: “We need God” (applause).
Together with Pope John Paul II the poles confirmed their identity as a people devoted to God. And, loudly declaring who you are, you understand what to do and how to live. You then joined in solidarity against oppression, against iniquity, the secret police, against the cruel and evil system which is brought to the impoverishment of your city and your impoverished soul. And you’ve won. Poland won. Poland will always win (applause).
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President Trump: Thank You. In this victory over communism have supported a strong Alliance of the free countries of the West, who challenged tyranny. Now that Poland has regained its place among the most dedicated members of the NATO Alliance as one of the leading countries of Europe — like country strong, indivisible and free.
A strong Poland is good for Europe, and they know it. A strong Europe is good for the West and for the world. (Applause). One hundred years after the entry of American troops in the First world war the transatlantic link, honey the United States of America and Europe is as strong as ever. And maybe in many respects is even stronger.
This continent is not threatened by the specter of communism. But today we are in the West, and I should say that there are a number of serious threats to our security and our way of life. You see what is happening there. They are a threat. We will confront them. We will win. But they pose a threat (applause).
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President trump: We are up against another repressive ideology that is trying to spread terrorism and extremism around the world. America and Europe become victims of terrorist attacks. We’re going to put an end to it (applause).
During the historic meeting in Saudi Arabia, I called on leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries to unite to put an end to this danger which threatens all of mankind. We must stand United against these common enemies to deprive them of their territory and financing, their networks and all forms of ideological support they can get. Although we are always happy to welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to any kind of terrorism and extremism (applause).
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President trump: We are waging a fierce struggle against radical Islamic terrorism, and we will win. We cannot agree with those who reject our values, and who justify violence against innocent people hate.
Today against the West are also powers that seek to test our will, weaken our confidence and challenge our interests. To confront new forms of aggression — including propaganda, financial crimes and cyber warfare — we must adapt our Alliance so that to successfully compete in new areas and on new battlefields.
We call on Russia to end its destabilizing actions in Ukraine and in other countries, and support for hostile regimes, including Syria and Iran. And instead to join the community of responsible countries in our fight against common enemies and in the defense of civilization itself – (applause).
Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are faced with another danger, which we can control. For some, this danger is invisible, but to the poles it is familiar: the steady spread of state bureaucracy, which saps the vitality and welfare of the people. The West became great not because of the red tape, rules and regulations, but because people had the opportunity to pursue our dreams and build their futures.
The Americans, the poles and the people of Europe appreciate personal freedom and sovereignty. We must act together to counter hostile forces (whether they act from the inside or from the outside, from the South or East) that can eventually destroy our values and to destroy the culture, beliefs and traditions that make us what we are (applause). If you do not restrain these forces, they will Rob us of courage, strength of spirit and weaken our will, which we need in order to protect ourselves and our companies.
We are writing a Symphony. We are introducing innovations. We glorify our ancient heroes, we save our immortal traditions, and always strive to discover new frontiers.
We reward ability. We strive for perfection and appreciate inspiring works of art that praise God. We deeply respect the rule of law and protect the right to freedom of speech and freedom of opinion (applause).
We advocate for the rights of women — pillars of our society and of our success. In the center of our lives we put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy. We are all contested, all questioned. We strive to know everything, to know better themselves. (applause)
First and foremost, we value the dignity of each person, protect the rights of every individual and share the hope of every soul to live free. That’s what we are. Those priceless relationships that unite us as a nation, as allies and as a civilization.
What we have, what we inherited from our — and you, as you can see by this incredible crowd, know this better than anyone — that we have inherited from our ancestors, has never until now did not exist in this scale. And if we are not able to save it, it will never be. Therefore we cannot fail.
This great Commonwealth countries have something else in common: each of them is the basis for freedom and a cornerstone for our defense always was the people, not the rulers. Such basis as the people were in Poland — right here in Warsaw, and from the very beginning in America.
Our citizens are not together has won the freedom, not that we were living through the horrors, not that they fought together against evil, to lose their freedom for lack of pride and lack of self-values. Not for nothing. We will not retreat (applause).
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President trump: as long as we remember our history, we will know how we build our future. Americans know that a strong Alliance of free, sovereign and independent countries is the best defense for our liberties and for our interests. That’s why my administration requires all NATO members became, at last, fully and faithfully to meet their financial obligations.
As a result of this perseverance in the budget of NATO began to receive billions of dollars. In fact, people are shocked. But billions and billions of dollars will come from those countries which, in my opinion, would not have to pay so quickly.
Those who criticize our hard position, I would like to say that the United States not only in word but in deed demonstrated that we adhere to the provisions of article 5 on mutual defence. (applause)
Easy to say, but actions are much more important. And for your own protection, Europe must do more. It is known to you, it is known to all, everyone should know. Europe must demonstrate that it believes in its future by investing in the security of that future.
That’s why we applaud Poland for the decision this week the decision to buy in the USA tested in the fighting anti-aircraft missile complex “patriot”, which is the best in the world. (Applause.) That is why we welcome the Polish people because he, being a member of NATO, has reached the target for funds for our common defense. Thank you. Thank you, Poland. And I have to tell you, you are a wonderful example, and we applaud Poland. Thank you. (Applause)
We must remember that our defense is not only a willingness to invest but also the willingness to show will. As is shown by the experience of Poland, the defense of the West rests not only on cash but also on the will of its people to victory, to success, to the attainment of what we need to have. The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the willpower to survive. Whether we believe in our values, to protect them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for its citizens, to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and courage to preserve civilization in the face of those who want to undermine and destroy it? (Applause)
We can have the most powerful economy and the most deadly weapons in the world, but if we don’t have strong families and strong values, we weaken and will not survive. (Applause) If someone forgot the critical importance of all this, let them come to a country that never forgets. Let them come to Poland. (Applause) Let them come here, to Warsaw, let them know the story of the Warsaw uprising.
Arriving here, they should learn about Jerozolimskie. In August 1944, a Jerusalem alley was one of the main streets running through the city from West to East, as today.
Control of this road was exceptionally important for both sides involved in the battle for Warsaw. The German army it was necessary as the most direct route for transporting troops and build a strong front line. But for the Army it was very important to be able to move through this street to the North and South to keep the center of the city and to prevent secession and suppress the uprising.
Every night the poles by machine-gun fire — and it was a terrible fire laid sand bags to cover the narrow passage through Jerozolimskie. Every day the enemy troops again and again destroyed this cover. Then the poles dug the trench. Finally, they built a barricade. After that the brave Polish soldiers began to cross Jerusalem Avenue. This narrow passage with a width of several meters was the fragile link that helped to continue the rebellion.
Walls built between the freedom fighters and the citizens are constantly committing deadly, just deadly rush. They ran across the street, they ran through it and under it, doing everything to protect the city. “Far side was just a few meters away,” recalled the Polish girl named Greta. For her it was a matter of life and death. She said, “a Deadly stretch of road were saturated with blood. It was the blood of the messengers, the blood girls-telecommunications workers and couriers”.
Nazi snipers were shooting at anyone who crossed the street. Shooting at anyone who ran. The soldiers burned all the buildings on this street and used the poles as human shields for their tanks in an attempt to capture Jerusalem Avenue. The enemy unceasingly waged a relentless attack on this small Outpost of civilization. But the poles constantly defended.
The passage through the avenues of Jerusalem it was necessary for him to defend, repair and strengthen, and its defenders were steadfast even in the face of death. This weak passage existed until the last days of the uprising. He was not forgotten, and never will. It was defended by the Polish people.
The memory of those who died in the Warsaw uprising, calls to us through decades and clearly just the memories of those who died building and defending the passage through Jerozolimskie. These heroes remind us that the patriots saved the West with their blood, that each generation has to contribute to his defense (applause) that every inch of land, every inch of civilization is worth it to protect them with their lives.
Our battle for the West begins not on the battlefield. It starts with our consciousness, with our will and with our souls. Today, uniting our civilization ties are important, no less and demand no less protection than the piece of land that was once placed all its hopes Poland. Our freedom, our civilization and our life depends on these bonds of history, culture and memory.
Today, as always, Poland is in our heart, and its people are waging this fight. (Applause) Poland was not to break, and I speak publicly to the world that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our peoples will prosper. And our civilization will prevail. (Applause)
Audience: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
President trump: Thank you. So, let’s get together to fight the poles to fight for family, for freedom, for country, for God.
Thank you. God bless you. God bless the Polish people. God bless our allies. God bless the United States of America.
Thank you. God bless you. Thank you very much. (Applause)